Current Instrument Status and Location

Walk-Up Instruments

NHB Walk-Up LC/MS: Agilent 6120 Single Quadrupole (low res ESI):

Location: NHB 5.342; Status: Operational

Welch Walk-Up GC/MS: Agilent 5977E Single Quadrupole (low res EI):

Location: WEL 4.218; Status: Operational

(You'll need a keycode for this room. See instructions to get one here.)

Welch Walk-Up LC/MS: Agilent 6125B Single Quadrupole (low res ESI):

Location: WEL 4.218; Status: Operational

(You'll need a keycode for this room. See instructions to get one here.)

Open Access MALDI: Bruker Autoflex MaX MALDI-TOF/TOF:

Location: MBB 1.420; Status: Check with Proteomics facility

Staff Operated Instruments

Agilent 6546 Q-TOF LC/MS (high res ESI):

Location: WEL 4.226; Status: Operational

Agilent 6530 Q-TOF LC/MS (high res ESI, APCI, and APPI):

Location: WEL 4.226; Status: Operational

Shimadzu 8060 LC MS\MS Triple Quadrupole

Location: WEL 4.226; Status: Operational

Thermo TSQ GC/MS (low res CI):

Location: WEL 4.226; Status: Operational

Waters AutoSpec GC/MS (high res CI):

Location: FNT B.104 (Same room as X-Ray); Status: Operational

Sample Submission Desk and Processing Computers

Sample Submission Desk:

Location: Outside of WEL 4.218; Status: Operational

Computer Processing Stations:

NHB Walk-Up LC/MS:

Location: NHB 5.342 and NHB 5.502: Operational

WEL Walk-Up GC/MS:

Location: WEL 4.218; Status: Operational

WEL Walk-Up LC/MS:

Location: WEL 4.218; Status: Operational

Staff-Run ESI/CI:

Location: WEL 4.218; Status: Operational