Staff Operated Instruments

The UT Mass Spectrometry Facility has five staff operated mass spectrometers available for sample submission.

See the Sample Submission page for more information about how to submit samples.

See the Pricing page for more information on sample charges.

Staff Operated Instruments

Agilent Technologies 6546 Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS

Robert A. Welch Hall

WEL 4.226

This instrument is a quadrupole mass spectrometer with a time-of-flight tube (Q-TOF, G6546A), interfaced with an Agilent Technologies 1260 Infinity II liquid chromatography system (G7112B). It is used for high resolution mass spectrometry and is capable of MS/MS analysis.

This instrument uses an Agilent Technologies Dual Jet Stream electrospray ionization (ESI) source (G1958-65271): Molecule must be polar

Parameters: m/z range: 50-3200; absolute mass limit: 50,000 (for pure, single molecules); realistic mass limit: 25,000; multiply charged ions are possible with ESI only.

This instrument often produces [M+H]+ and [M+Na]+ ions in positive mode and [M-H]- ions in negative mode. Other adducts such as [M+K]+, [M+NH4]+, [M+Cl]-, and [M+HCOO]- are often observed.

Agilent has a video and product note that explains how this instrument works.

Agilent Technologies 6530 Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS

Robert A. Welch Hall

WEL 4.226

This instrument is a quadrupole mass spectrometer with a time-of-flight tube (Q-TOF, G6530A), interfaced with an Agilent Technologies 1260 Infinity liquid chromatography system (G1312B). It is used for high resolution mass spectrometry and is capable of MS/MS analysis.

We currently use these three sources depending on the chemical structure of interest:

-Agilent Technologies Jet Stream electrospray ionization (ESI) source (G1958-65138):

Used the majority of the time. Molecule must be polar

-Agilent Technologies atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) source (G1947B):

Molecule can be less polar and sometimes even non-polar

-Agilent Technologies atmospheric pressure photo ionization (APPI) source (G1971C):

Molecule can be completely non-polar, but must be able to absorb UV light

Parameters: m/z range: 50-3200; absolute mass limit: 10,000 (for pure, single molecules); realistic mass limit: 5,000; multiply charged ions are possible with ESI only.

This instrument often produces [M+H]+ and [M+Na]+ ions in positive mode and [M-H]- ions in negative mode. Other adducts such as [M+K]+, [M+NH4]+, [M+Cl]-, and [M+HCOO]- are often observed. In APPI, [M]+ and [M-H]+ are also common.

Agilent has a video and product note that explains how this instrument works.

Shimadzu 8060 LC MS\MS Triple Quadrupole

Robert A. Welch Hall

WEL 4.226

This instrument has recently been purchased after being on loan for some time. We look forward to using it for many years to come.

Used for targeted quantitation of small molecules. Both ESI and APCI ionization is available.

The limit of detection for many molecules is below 1 pg (Equivalent to 1ppb for a 1 ul injection)

It is typically operated in a hybrid staff/student model. MSF staff will develop the initial method, after which students will run their own samples.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss a potential collaboration using this instrument.

For current rates on this instrument click here

Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum GC/MS

Robert A. Welch Hall

WEL 4.226

This instrument is a triple-stage quadrupole (TSQ) mass spectrometer interfaced with a Trace Ultra gas chromatography system. It is used for low resolution chemical ionization (CI) mass spectrometry from the probe and is capable of GC/MS and MS/MS analyses.

Parameters: practical m/z range using the probe: 15-1500; practical m/z range using GC/MS: 15-600.

This instrument will almost always produce [M+H]+ ions (aside from saturated hydrocarbons, which form [M-H]+ ions). Other adducts such as [M+C2H5]+ and [M+C3H5]+ are often observed.

Thermo Scientific has a product note that explains how this TSQ MS instrument works, along with how the Trace GC Ultra works.

Waters Micromass AutoSpec Ultima GC/MS

Larry R. Faulkner Nanosci. and Tech.

FNT B.104

This instrument is a magnetic sector mass spectrometer interfaced with an Agilent Technologies 6890N Network gas chromatography system. It is used for high resolution chemical ionization (CI) mass spectrometry from the probe and is capable of GC/MS analysis.

Parameters: practical m/z range using the probe: 1-1200; practical m/z range using GC/MS: 1-600.

This instrument often produces a mixture of [M-H]+, [M]+, and [M+H]+ ions, which has the potential to be confusing. If there is any doubt about a formula, we will also run the sample on the low resolution Thermo Scientific TSQ instrument, which typically gives predominantly [M+H]+ ions.

Waters has a product note that explains more about this instrument.

The Royal Society of Chemistry has a video that explains how a magnetic sector mass spectrometer works.

Data Processing Computer for Staff Operated Instruments

Location: WEL 4.218

Software: Agilent MassHunter Qualitative Analysis (B.06) or Thermo Xcalibur Qual Browser

Used For: High or low resolution Staff-Run LC/MS data (ESI, APCI, or APPI) and low resolution Staff-Run GC/MS data (CI)

Location: WEL 4.226

Software: Agilent MassHunter Qualitative Analysis (10.0

Used For: High or low resolution Staff-Run LC/MS data (ESI)