Suggested Reading

Every topic we will be discussing forms a separate chapter in our Computational Biology Book, which is available online (in greek) under this link:

The concepts introduced and discussed in this course draw their content from various sources. Below we list the books from which most of the material comes from. For more details you are advised to check the individual lectures.

General on Computational Biology

  1. Computational Genome Analysis (Deonier, Tavare, Waterman)
  2. Biological sequence analysis. (Durbin R., Eddy S.R., Krogh A., Mitchison G.)
  3. An introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms (Jones, Pevzner)
  4. Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics (Pevzner)
  5. Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution (Higgs, Atwood)
  6. Bioinformatics (Polanski, Kimmel)

Genomes and Evolution

  1. The origins of Genome Architecture (Lynch)
  2. Molecular Evolution (W-H Li)