Friday Night Funkin VS EddsWorld mod

Important! Friday Night Funkin VS EddsWorld Full Week mod may not work properly on Chromebooks. 

A common issue for Chromebooks is the arrows (notes) don't show up

READ THIS IS A MUST - If the game has loaded (black screen), then move the mouse over the screen and click. 

We recommend go to the "Options" and configure the control.

 After selecting a song, wait for it to load (if you have a slow internet connection, it may take time) 

Download Friday Night Funkin VS EddsWorld mod ( 

Creator FNF VS EddsWorld FULL WEEK mod:

Director, Artist - enraged_artist (

Programmer, Music - Blantados (

Menu, Intro Song - Eddsworld (

Menu Song Composed, Performed - Andrew Huang (

Characters - Eddsworld (