
This page shares some Sport Informatics and Analytics resources that might be of interest (in addition to those listed in other pages).


Trent Hopkinson discusses his role as performance analyst at the Brumbies rugby union team.

Melissa Breen discusses performance data:

Jocelyn Mara on monitoring performance:

Carrie Graf on sharing information with athletes:

James Hurley on exploratory data analysis and visualisation:

Creative Lab, CIDESD, Portugal

Hans Rosling

Tetiana Ivanova on how to become a data scientist

Google Docs, Slides and Sheets


Personal Learning in an Open Education Course

Personal Learning Environments

Introduction (T1)

Pattern Recognition (T2)

Pattern Recognition: Five Papers

Introduction to R

Performance Monitoring (T3)

Audiences and Messages (T4)

Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualisation


#UCSIA15 Reads Volume 1

#UCSIA15 Reads Volume 2

#UCSIA16 Reads



Sport Informatics and Analytics

Three Informatics Papers

Video Suggestions

Alan Turing

Pattern Recognition

Introduction to Pattern Recognition

R in Your Analysis and Analytics Toolbox

Performance Monitoring

Audiences and Messages

Audiences and Messages: Careful Storytelling

ePortfolios 01

ePortfolios: Capstone


AFL Data Set


STATS Webinars (2016)

Miscellaneous Readings

Kim Albrecht & Burcu Yucesoy (2016). Designing for Insight: A Case Study from Tennis Player Analysis.

Alaa AlDahdouh, Antonio Osorio & Susan Caires (2015). Understanding knowledge network, learning and connectivism. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 12(10), 3-22.

Peter Alsop (2016). Computing gives an artist new tools to be creative.

Daniel Altman & Philip Maymin (2016). Sport Analytics in Practice - Syllabus.

CERN (2014). The birth of the web.

Jessica Bacal, Minh Ly, Jennifer Walters & Allyson Einbinder (2015). Are You A Leader? How We Learned to Stop Asking. Theory Into Practice, 54(4), 309-316. doi:10.1080/00405841.2015.1076694

Jacques Bertin (2010). Semiology of Graphics: Diagrams, Networks, Maps. Redlands: Esri Press.

Mike Bostock (2015). Introducing d3-scale.

Leo Breiman (2001). Statistical Modeling. Statistical Science, 16(3), 199-231.

Nadieh Bremer (2016). The (creation of the) interactive slides for my OpenVis talk.

Willard Brinton (1939). Graphic Presentation. New York: Brinton Associates.

Willard Brinton (1914). Graphic Methods for Presenting Facts. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Per Harald Borgen (2016). The Easy Way To Learn Hard Stuff.

Kenneth Burnham & David Anderson (2002). Model Selection and Multimodel Inference (Second Edition). New York: Springer.

Oliver Brown (2016). Friday Essay: Rise of the artistic machines. The Conversation, 9 January.

Stuart Card, Jock Mackinlay & Ben Shneiderman (Eds.) (1999). Readings in Information Visualization. San Diego: Academic Press.

David Chung et al (2015). Knowledge-Assisted Ranking: A Visual Analytic Application for Sport Event Data. IEEE Comput Graph Appl..

David Chung et al (2016). Knowledge-Assisted Ranking: A Visual Analytic Application for Sport Event Data. IEEE Comput Graph Appl..

Paul Chung et al (Eds.) (2016). Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sports. London: Springer.

Computer Graphics (2016). Special edition on computer graphics in sport. ComputerGraphics, 36(5), Sept-Oct.

Clive Cookson (2013). Edward Tufte. FT Magazine, 26 July.

Andy Cotgreave (2016a). #MakeoverMonday: Stephen Curry and shot selection.

Andy Cotgreave (2016b). What to expect from data storytelling in 2016. Computerworld, 4 January.

Andy Cotgreave (2015). Living with data. Computerworld, 19 November.

Kwinten Crauwels (2016). Musicmap.

Peter Domingos (2015). The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World. New York: Basic Books.

Stephen Downes (2016). The Audience Experience.

Brent Dykes (2016). Data Storytelling: The Essential Data Science Skill Everyone Needs.

Peter Ellerton (2016). What exactly is the scientific method and why do so many people get it wrong?

Josh Elman (2015). Thank you 2015. Bring on 2016!

Mi Feng, Cheng Deng, Evan Peck & Lane Harrison (2016). Hindsight: Encouraging Exploration through Direct Encoding of Personal Interaction History.

Flowingdata (2015). Visualization Tutorials.

Garrett Grolemund & Hadley Wickham (2015). Visualizing Complex Data With Embedded Plots. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 24(1), 26-43.

Peter Grunwald (2007). The Minimum Description Length Principle. Boston: MIT Press.

Harvard Business Review (2016). How to Make Extreme Numbers Resonate. Harvard Business Review, January-February, 36-37.

Jeffrey Heer, Michael Bostock & Vadim Ogievetsky (2010). A Tour through the Visualization Zoo: A survey of powerful visualization techniques, from the obvious to the obscure. Graphics, 8(5).

Rachel Herriman (2016). The Book as a 400 Individual Medley.

Jill Hubley (2016). About Jill Hubley.

Ashley Kehoe & Michael Goudzwaard (2015). ePortfolios, Badges, and the Whole Digital Self: How Evidence-Based Learning Pedagogies and Technologies Can Support Integrative Learning and Identity Development. Theory Into Practice, 54(4), 343-351. doi:10.1080/00405841.2015.1077628

Kunal Jain (2015). How Amazon re-invented Data Science at Amazon AWS re:Invent 2015.

Audree Lapierre (2016). Designing an interactive visualization to make data personal.

A G Losada, R. Theron & A Benito (2016). BKViz: A Basketball Visual Analysis Tool. IEEE Computer Graphics Applications, 36(6), 58-68.

Giorgia Lupi (2016). Learning to See: Visual Inspirations and Data Visualization.

Gary Miller (2016). The Literature of Science. Toxicological Science, 153(1), 1-2.

Jane Miller (2015). The Chicago Guide to Writing about Numbers. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Second edition.

Don McFarlane & Peter Caccetta (2016). The planner's new best friend: we can now track land-use changes on a scale of centimetres.

Giovanni Navarria (2016a). How the Internet was born: A stuttered hello.

Duc Quang Nguyen (2016). A Data Journalism Expert's Toolkit.

Ian O'Byrne & Julie Wise (2015). Social Scholars: Educators’ Digital Identity Construction in Open, Online Learning Environments.

Nate Otto (2016). Open Badges in 2016: A Look Ahead.

Sean Owen (2015). Common Probability Distributions: The Data Scientist's Crib Sheet.

Danny Page (2015a). Expected Goals Just Don't Add Up - They Also Multiply: Exploring Variance in Expected Goals. ( See also this follow up post.)

Danny Page (2015b). How to use Opta Chalkboards to analyze the Women's World Cup.

Kate Patterson (2016). Is photoshopping science universally wrong?

Steven Roberts et al. (Eds.) (2015). Digital Methods for Social Science: An Interdisciplinary Guide to Research Innovation. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Simon Rogers (2010). Florence Nightingale, data journalist: information has always been beautiful.

Carmine Sellitto & Paul Hawking (2015). Enterprise Systems and Data Analytics: A Fantasy Football Case Study. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 11(3).

Audrey Watters (2016). Memory machines: Learning, Knowing and Technological Change.

Audrey Watters (2015). Top Ed-Tech trends of 2015: Indie Ed-Tech.

Hadley Wickham (2010). A Layered Grammar of Graphics. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 19(1), 3-28.

Hadley Wickham, Dianne Cook & Heike Hofmann (2015a). Visualizing Statistical Models: Removing the Blindfold. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 8, 203-225.

Hadley Wickham, Dianne Cook & Heike Hofmann (2015b). Authors' Response to Discussants. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 8, 242-244.

Leland Wilkinson (2005). The Grammar of Graphics. Springer: Berlin.

David Yarrow & Matthias Kranke (2016). The performativity of sports statistics: towards a research agenda.

Conferences and Workshops

International Conference on Science and Football, Antalya (4-6 January, 2016).

Sports Analytics Innovation Summit, Melbourne (23-24 February, 2016).

MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, Boston (11-12 March, 2016).

Sports Analytics Innovation Summit, London (13-14 April, 2016).

Photo Credit

P4119551 (Eric Bartholomew, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)