Visualising Data


Edward Tufte

Edward Tufte's writings:

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.

Envisioning Information.

Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative.

Beautiful Evidence.

Stephen Few

"The best software for data analysis is the software you forget you're using. It's such a natural extension of your thinking process that you can use it without thinking about the mechanics."

Stephen Eight Core Principles:

Simplify (good data visualization captures the essence of data - without oversimplifying.)

Compare (we need to be able to compare our data visualizations side by side. Shift the burden of effort to our eyes.)

Attend (make it easy for us to attend to the data that is really important.)

Explore (data visualization tools should let us just look. ... to explore data and discover things.)

View Diversely (different views of the same data provide different insights. It helps to be able to look at the same data from different perspectives at the same time and see how they fit together.)

Ask why (more than knowing "what's happening", we need to know "why it is happening".)

Be skeptical (too rarely do we question the answers we get from our data because traditional tools have made data analysis so hard. We accept the first answer we get simply because exploring any further is tool hard.)

Respond (simply answering questions for yourself has limited benefit. It's the ability to share our data that leads to global enlightenment.)


Neil Charles Football posts.

Recommended Reading

Stephen Few (2013). Data Visualization for Human Perception. In: Mads Soegard and Rikke Friis Dam (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed.. Aarhus, Denmark: The Interaction Design Foundation.

Suggested Reading


Nancy Duarthe (2008). slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media.

Andy Kirk (2013). Data Visualization: A Successful Design Process. Packt Publishing.


visualising data (Andy Kirk)

Blog post

Jon Salm (21 March, 2014). The power of sports data: visualising passes between NBA players offers new game insights. blog.