Spring 2022

1) Cops and Robbers on Graphs

    Students: Xinming Liu, Kenneth Salce, John Shin, Melisa Zhang Ren

    Graduate student mentor: Raymond Matson

2) Distinguishing Knots

    Students: Emily Garcia, Madeleine Haddad, Rudy Mendoza, HaoYu Sun

    Graduate student mentor: Jacob Garcia

3) An Expansion of the Exploration of the Card Game Memory

    Students: Hale Chiba, Yanwei Feng, Kali Krishnan, Max Slagle-Skalka

    Graduate student mentor: Isaac Tate

4) Latin Squares, Species, and Derangements

    Students: Haifan Deng, Cindy Miao, Jiayi Shen, Lei Zhang 

    Graduate student mentor: George Santellano