
Past Event YouTube Replay of WEBINAR - WED, 4/26/2023


Mahjong is a game of skill and luck played by four people using domino-like engraved tiles, which emerged in China in the 1800s, and was popular in the 1920s in America with President Harding and his wife playing it in the White House.

In China, this game has evolved to represent peace and friendship, so inviting someone to a game of mahjong is almost synonymous with an extension of those feelings.  Expensive mahjong sets can be seen as a status symbol and are a source of pride among Chinese families.  The game was originally called 麻雀 (pinyin: máquè) —meaning sparrow—which is still used in some languages in southern China.  It is said that the clacking of tiles during shuffling resembles the chattering of sparrows.  Playing mahjong has also been found effective in improving short-term memory, attention, and logical thinking in both middle-aged and elderly people.

Tsung Tsin Hawaii is happy to present two exciting and free events for your enjoyment.  A hands-on mahjong workshop on Sunday, April 30 from 10-4p HST at our clubhouse and a mahjong zoom webinar the preceding week on Wednesday, April 26, at 4:00pm HST.  Our guest speaker for the webinar is Annelise Heinz who will tell us all about the history of mahjong in America.  Dr. Heinz is an associate professor of history at the University of Oregon.  Having previously lived in Southwest China for a year, she wrote her doctoral dissertation on the game of mahjong and is the author of the award-winning book Mahjong: A Chinese Game and the Making of Modern American Culture.

Following that, some of our TTA members will share some of their memories about how they first came to learn the game. If you have a great story of your own, contact Ghary Won, Outreach Chair at or just raise your hand during the Q&A period.  These are free sponsored events and are examples of great things to come.  So if you’re not a member or have family and friends interested, join us!  More details on membership here.  

To register or more information about the mahjong workshop, contact Edwina Lee at (808) 341-7592 or email her at if you are interested in playing or learning mahjong.

Mahjong with Annelise Hentz.pdf