Troop Covid-19 Protocols


- Troop meetings will be virtual (ZOOM) . Any small activities will be outdoors, and be limited to max 3 households.


As the troop has started in person meetings, it has established:

* Meetings would be outdoors with social distancing

* Contact Free Temperature monitors

* Meeting attendance tracking.

* Remind scouts to use cough or sneeze etiquette (cover with kerchief or elbow)

Scouts and families should not attend if they feel sick or are experiencing symptoms of Covid 19, or been in contact with anyone with a positive CV-19 test.

This email is to document the Covid 19 Protocols.

Troop 14 is following the following BSA S-A-F-E method and the Gathering checklists.

S= Supervision => Follow State guidelines. (Example: Orange Tier allows 200 for outdoor gathering)

A= Assessment => Notify all participants about the risks of participating: COVID-19 exposure cannot be eliminated.

F= Fitness => Pre-event screening for all participants (Example: Temperature Checks)

E= Equipment & Environment => Monitor social distancing, interactions and sharing of equipment and food among participants.

Gathering Checklists:

1. Consult : Consult with Council, County, and State standards and protocols

2. Communicate: BSA recommends that no one in the higher-risk category take part in person.

3. Communicate: Anyone who feels sick must stay home.

4. Educate and train: Appropriate social distancing @ 6ft, cleaning and disinfecting shared equipment before & after use, hand hygiene (sanitize often), and cough/sneeze etiquette (use kerchief or elbow)

5. Before attending: Screen participants for the following: • Cough• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing• Chills• Repeated shaking with chills• Muscle pain• Headache• Sore throat• Loss of taste or smell• Diarrhea• Feeling feverish or having a temperature greaterthan or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit• Known close contact with a person who islab-confirmed to have COVID-19

6. Face Coverings: Required

7. Communicate: Those who take part in person should avoid contact with higher-risk individuals for 14 days after the event.

8. Communicate: Individuals who develop symptoms should notify unit leadership ASAP.

SVMBC Covid-19 Updates

SAFE Meeting Checklist