Canoe Trips

T14 2018 Canoe Trip


Troop 14 is planning several canoeing trips in 2021. The first is a day-trip to learn canoeing skills on flat water. The second trip is an overnight down-river with equipment to expand our skill set. Finally, a week-long 50+ mile canoe trip down the Sacramento River! All scouts and adults should attend both training sessions. Skills will be accessed to determine who can attend the week long trip.

BSA Swim Test


All participants (youth and adults) must pass the BSA Swimmer Test before going on any of the canoeing trips.

BSA Swimmer's Test:

Jump feetfirst into water over the head in depth, level off, and begin swimming. Swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards using an easy resting backstroke. The 100 yards must be swum continuously and include at least one sharp turn. After completing the swim, rest by floating.

Scout and Adult Requirements

Positive Attitude

Pass BSA Swimmer Test

Medical Forms AB (<72 hours):

Medical Forms ABC (>=72 hours):

Attend Training Sessions as a strong paddler

Swimming Merit Badge (desired, but not required)

Canoeing Merit Badge (desired, but not required)

Pay fees in advance

Approval of Trip Leader

Additional Adult Training Requirements

Youth Protection Training (YPT):

Hazardous Weather Training:

Safe Swim Defense Training:

Safety Afloat Training:

BSA Lifeguard (at least 1 adult per trip):


Flat Water Training - April

Down-River Overnighter - May

Weeklong 50+ Miler - June or July