
time managment


Are you tired or hard to cope with:

  • the child is not assembled, with great effort begins and performs various tasks?

  • in a place where he sleeps or learns a permanent mess?

  • does he have difficulty communicating during his studies?

  • refuses to fulfill your requests?

  • refuses to go to school?

  • most of the time closed in itself and not sociable?

The service development test "Child & teen time management" was developed by a child psychologist with over 10 years of practical experience in public and private pre-school, schools, universities and private practice.

You will be able to independently carry out this development test "Child & teen time management" with your child & teen!

You only need 15-30 min.!

The result of which:



  • constantly improved the attitude of the child to their daily routine;

  • helped to work with goals;

  • strengthens the cognitive interest, supports the long-term effect of greater concentration of the child in the performance of tasks;

All these data formed the basis for the development of GLOBUS PERCEPTION©, then more than 8,000 practical applications for children aged 7 and older were conducted in public and private schools, colleges and universities.

It works?

The difference between the narcissistic temporal state and the narcissistic object relations.

The idea of ​​the similarity of the instinct of life is the love of life, including the love of self and life-giving objects.

Love for yourself and love for objects do not conflict.

These are complementary components of the same similar instinct.

Attitude to the inner object, the first expression of a similar life instinct, does not produce sustained narcissism.

M. Klein intuitively calls it a narcissistic state - that is, something temporary.

It develops in relation to a good, not an ideal internal object and is the basis of self-esteem, self-preservation, as well as love, respect and preservation of favorite objects, external and internal.

On the other hand, the similarity of the death instinct and envy give rise to narcissistic object relations, destructive and self-destructive internal structures.

How does our brain and visual perception process information?

Consider the features of our visual perception and how the brain processes images.

Look at your feet for 1 min. In which direction does the dancer spin?

The dancer can rotate in any direction.

If you see that the dancer is rotating clockwise, it is assumed that your left brain is currently more active.

If you see a counterclockwise rotation, the right brain is more active.

Most often, people see a girl spinning clockwise. Therefore, these people use the left side of the brain more. Recall that focusing, for example, on the peripheral (see dispersed, as if a little to the side) contemplation of the heel of the dancer, the direction of her movement may change.

Interestingly, a few decades ago, the right hemisphere of the brain did not attach much importance. It was assumed that this is somewhat meaningless. However, over time, scientists have concluded that the right hemisphere of the human brain is very important for the development of a creative personality. This simple test will help you check which part of your brain is most active at the moment.

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for analysis, rationality, language skills, controls speech, writing and reading. Using the left hemisphere of the brain, a person memorizes facts, dates, names and controls their spelling. The left brain combines all the facts, is responsible for the analysis and logic. Mathematical symbols and numbers are also recognized by the left hemisphere. Information is processed sequentially.

The right brain hemisphere is responsible for creativity, intuition, information, which is expressed not in words, but in images and symbols. Using the right hemisphere, a person is able to dream and dream, to compose stories. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the ability of the visual arts and music. The right hemisphere simultaneously processes a lot of different information. It makes it possible to consider everything as a whole, without resorting to analysis.

Creativity is the ability to instantly grasp a huge number of conflicting facts and relationships and form a complete image of them. This is a kind of surprised recognition. These properties can manifest themselves with the dominant right hemisphere.

You will be able to independently carry out this development test "Child & teen time management" with your child & teen!

You only need 15-30 min!