The concept of "I" in Trial Psychology

In order to obtain one single egg, the body begins to stimulate the growth and sequential development of the embryonic follicle 85 days before ovulation.

At least 85-99 days before the formation of the egg, the environment actualizes the "Environmental" dynamic process of meaning without ontic being, and only then ontic being in existential and psychological processes, until conception after ovulation, the egg enters the abdominal cavity, into the posterior space, which can be compared with the sea in which waves drive the egg into the fallopian tube.

At the moment of conception, when the sperm is combined with the egg while in the fallopian tube, the state of "You" is formed.

In the future, the fetus moves to the uterus and is attached to the placenta by the umbilical cord, this is the "We" state.

Later, after the development of all the functions of the brain, some people are able to stay in the "Instrumental" subjective I state, this state allows you to create and use tools that become an extension of the human "I".

After biological birth, when the fetus leaves the mother's womb and further throughout life, a person is in these states of "I":

"Environment" + "Instrumental" + "You" + "We"

The "Environmental" state is a unifying and coordinating process of all states of the "I" in philosophy.

The "Instrumental" state is a subjective state of "I" in philosophy.

The state of "You" is the state of the object "I" in philosophy.

The state "We" is the state of a dyad (two-person movement) of objects (two or more) "I" in philosophy.