"Orange box" in Trial Psychology

The concept of "Orange box", which is successfully used in aviation (black box), to accumulate information from sensors distributed throughout the aircraft, has also found its application in psychological counseling "Trial Psychological Orange box".

Any physiological and psychological process in a person's life can be regarded as a "Trial Psychological Orange box" in which 2 functions are combined:

1. What did this physiological or psychological event consist of, what preceded it (before) and what led to (after);

2. Inside the "Trial Psychological Orange box" what were the "reaction" and "semantics of meaning" which must be achieved, perception and implemented, inside this psychological event, which served as a lever that triggered the process of receiving reward in the reflex, which led to the choice of a certain path of this physiological or psychological process;

Sequence: "Before" + "Orange (reaction) + (semantics of meaning) box" + "After"

Once we have identified these components, we can make a conclusion using the principle of feedback, changing which component will lead a person to the desired result.