Narcissistic objective anxiety in Trial Psychology

The concept of good (temporary) and bad (idealistic) breasts in psychology is formulated in relation to the female nature.

However, male nature also contains the female form of anima as a component of the psyche, i.e. in the male interpretation, the same approach can be interpreted as a good (temporary) and bad (idealistic) breast of the father, which in the subsequent life of a person acquires ways of contact with meaning in a psychological interpretation and / or divine in a religious interpretation.

In her work Sources of Transference (Klein, 1952), Melanie Klein said:

“For many years - and this is still true to some extent - the transference was understood in the sense of direct references to the analyst in the patient's material. My concept of transference (from my point of view, rooted in the earliest stages of development and in deep layers of the unconscious) is much broader and entails a technique according to which the unconscious elements of the transference are derived from all the material presented. /… / Because the patient is forced to cope with the conflicts and anxieties re-experienced in relation to the analyst with the same methods that he used in the past. That is, he turns away from the analyst, trying to turn away from his primal objects; tries to split the attitude towards him, keeping him either as a good or as a bad figure: he deflects some of the feelings and attitudes he has towards the analyst to other people in his current life, and this is part of 'acting out'.

Difference Between Narcissistic State and Narcissistic Object Relations

The idea of ​​a semblance of life instinct is love of life, including love of self and life-giving objects. Self-love and object-love are not in conflict.

These are complementary components of the same instinct that is similar.

The relationship to the inner object, the first expression of a similar instinct for life, does not generate persistent narcissism.

M. Klein intuitively calls it a narcissistic state - that is, something temporary. It develops in relation to a good, and not an ideal, internal object and is the basis of self-esteem, self-preservation, as well as love, respect and preservation of beloved objects, external and internal.

On the other hand, the similarity of the death instinct and envy give rise to narcissistic object relations, destructive and self-destructive internal structures.

Reducing objective anxiety (the intensity of the semblance of the death instinct and envy / narcissistic object relations), the threat of violent measures present in disciplinary methods, demeanor and intonation, fear of one's own semblance of instincts.

"Child time managment"

“The hypothesis that there is a stage preceding object relations, which lasts several months, suggests that, with the exception of libido attached to the infant's own body, impulses, fantasies, anxiety and defenses are either absent or not related to the object, then have to operate in a vacuum.

The analysis of very young children taught me that there is no instinctive urge, anxiety, or mental process that does not involve objects, external or internal. /… /

Moreover, love and hate, unconscious fantasies, anxieties and defenses also operate from the very beginning and from the very beginning they are inextricably linked with object relations. "

In the same article, she notes:

“For many years I have held the view that autoeroticism and narcissism in an infant coincide in time with the first relation to objects - external and internalized.

I will briefly repeat my hypothesis: autoeroticism and narcissism include love for (and a relationship with) an internalized good object, which in fantasy forms part of the beloved body and self.

It is to this internalized object that the retreat occurs during autoerotic satisfaction and narcissistic states. "