Dutch Cooperative Systems Showcase 2010

Post date: Feb 15, 2009 7:46:17 AM

(Information via Bob Randsdorp, Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management)

The Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management has formulated an ambitious policy regarding intelligent vehicles and cooperative systems and is the only country in Europe to do so. This policy is formulated in the recently developed policy framework on efficient road use called ‘Beleidskader Benutten’ (January 2008) and has political support from the current government. The so-called ‘action line 1’ of this policy framework deals with promoting intelligent vehicles and cooperative systems. This is done by urging more cooperation between the relevant stakeholders and the government and to set up partnerships for executing FOTs in this field. The policy on intelligent vehicles and cooperative system has also the intention to structure the lessons learned from the past pilots and pilots in foreign countries and see how The Netherlands can move forward toward deploying relevant technologies in an integral and structural way.The Showcase, which will be held in Amsterdam in 2010, includes field operational tests (FOTs) with demonstrations on highways, in an urban network area, on closed tracks and in traffic management centers.