Climate Change & Sustainability

AV030(1): Subcommittee on Aviation Climate Change and Sustainability


The Aviation Climate Change and Sustainability Subcommittee convenes airports, airlines, academia, and others interested in advancing beyond environmental compliance to minimize impacts and add value via aviation activities. Related research may help reduce silos, motivate stakeholders, analyze alternatives, justify investments, and scale solutions. Innovation is a common thread among the Subcommittee’s activities, as sustainability and climate change necessitate a shift from the status quo. The Subcommittee coordinates with many others within TRB, including but not limited to the Aviation Air Quality and Water Resources Subcommittees, providing a holistic lens to topic-specific research and aligning objectives.


Please contact Subcommittee Chair Carly Shannon for more information or to be included on the Subcommittee e-mail list.

Subcommittee Scope/Topics

The Subcommittee fosters, disseminates, and drives research related to:


The subcommittees are intended to attract participation from individuals who form the membership group, but TRB subcommittees do not maintain a formal membership roster. In the event that sufficient interest is generated in the topic, the subcommittee may be elevated to function as a task force or a full committee. We encourage participation in the subcommittee from all segments of the aviation industry including educators, researchers, regulators and NGO’s with associated interests.