air quality

AV030(3): Joint Subcommittee on Aviation Air Quality (with AMS10)


This Subcommittee focuses on encouraging and disseminating research pertaining to local air quality issues associated with aviation. The primary emphasis is on emissions of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulated pollutants, for which there are National Ambient Air Quality Standards, as well as other pollutants of concern (e.g., ultrafine particles and hazardous air pollutants). These pollutants, and their precursors, are generated at airports from aviation sources including aircraft operations, ground support equipment, auxiliary power units, ground access vehicles, and building energy use. This Subcommittee highlights current research into efforts toward reducing air emissions, understanding the impact of aviation-related air pollution on local communities, and focus on best practices for minimizing emissions.


Please contact Subcommittee Chair Robbie Gross for more information or to be included on the Subcommittee e-mail list.

Subcommittee Scope/Topics

The Subcommittee fosters, disseminates, and drives research related to:

  • Aviation emission sources

  • Emission reduction efforts for criteria air pollutants at airports

  • Improving the understanding of aviation air pollution impacts on local communities

  • Developing best practices for minimizing emissions

  • Understanding and quantifying health impacts of aviation air emissions

  • Improving dispersion modeling of air pollution near airports

  • Guidance on preparing airport-wide emissions inventories

  • Implementing ground support equipment electrification and quantifying benefits

  • Reducing landside emissions from airport ground access transportation

  • Understanding aviation emissions of ultrafine particles and associated health risks

  • Evaluation of airport emissions within State Implementation Plans

  • Guidance on best practices for using the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT)


The subcommittees are intended to attract participation from individuals who form the membership group, but TRB subcommittees do not maintain a formal membership roster. In the event that sufficient interest is generated in the topic, the subcommittee may be elevated to function as a task force or a full committee. We encourage participation in the subcommittee from all segments of the aviation industry including educators, researchers, regulators and NGO’s with associated interests.