TRB Standing Committee on Environmental Issues in Aviation
Welcome to TRB AV030!
AV030 is one of the Transportation Research Board's standing committees dedicated to aviation. This website is intended to provide general information about the committee's activities and to archive committee resources.
Committee Scope: The committee is concerned with current and emerging environmental and sustainability topics that are central to aviation planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance. The Committee focuses on the reciprocal relationship between aviation and the environment and spans local to global issues, and the balance of environmental outcomes with community, economic, and operational outcomes.
If you are interested in official committee involvement, please log in to your MyTRB account and add yourself as a friend of the "AV030" committee. Instructions to navigate MyTRB are available here.
We look forward to working with you!
For more information, contact AV030 Committee Chair Kate Andrus or AV030 Communications Coordinator Sepideh Kaffash.