Useful Information

Useful Information


Once team members have passed through customs, they need to go through to the public waiting area where they will be met by the in-country Ground Handler and be taken to their accommodation.

Note: Team members should avoid accepting help in pushing the trolley with the bags, people who request to push the trolleys will ask for money at the end.


Each GV team participant is responsible for obtain and paying the cost of his/her own passport and visa if required. The expiration date on the passport must be at least 6 month beyond the date of departure from the host country. It is advisable to plan well in advance if you need a visa. For current information regarding visa matters contact the South African Embassy or Consulate in your home country.

Health & Travel Advisory

The following is a synopsis of information compiled from the Centres for Disease Control Web site ( and or . Both sites list much more information than we can include here, so we encourage you to take the time to check them out online.

Required Vaccinations

Recommendations/comments can be found on the CDC website listed above.

Discuss your travel plan and personal plan with a health care provider to determine which vaccines you will require.

Banks, currency & credit cards

The currency unit is the Rand, denoted by the symbol R, with 100 cents making up R1 (one Rand). Foreign currency can be exchanged at local banks and Bureaux de Changes. Most major international credit cards such as American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard, Visa and their affiliates are accepted for most purchases.


Tipping is welcomed in South Africa and in restaurants 10% is acceptable where no service charge is levied. Taxi drivers can be tipped on one’s own discretion according to the quality of their service.