Medical Insurance Information

Travel Medical Insurance Information

Global Village Program

A portion of your trip fee established by your team leader

covers the cost of insurance coverage. Through paying your fee,

you will automatically be insured against accidental loss of life,

limb, sight, speech or hearing while participating in volunteer

activities sponsored and supervised by Habitat for Humanity.

This mandatory insurance coverage is consistent with policies

recommended by Habitat for Humanity International’s Legal

department and ratified by the HFHI board of directors on Feb.

10, 1994. The coverage is designed to ensure a comprehensive

risk management program and to provide protection to Habitat’s

Global Village trip volunteers.

We have a serious commitment to risk management and

assume everyone is willing to comply.

Note: Covered medical expenses incurred for treatment

of a pre-existing condition are limited to a maximum

of $50,000. “Pre-existing condition” means any injury or

illness that was contracted or that manifested itself, or for

which treatment or medication was prescribed, prior to

the effective date of this insurance.


To file a claim, consult with the team leader immediately and

request a claim form. See “Quick Tips for Filing a Claim”

(below) for proper procedures and assistance in filing a claim.

Specifications, Provisions and Exclusions

Coverage is sold on a per-day basis and commences at the

actual start of the trip from the insured’s residence or designated

departure point. Coverage terminates immediately upon

return to the insured’s residence or designated return point,

or at the end of the published itinerary.

Note: Anyone traveling five days before or five days after

their official team dates is offered (automatically) the same

coverage at no additional cost. Unfortunately, no other

extensions of this coverage are available. You must be sure

to properly insure yourself for all other personal travel.

The policy does not cover loss caused by or resulting

from any of the following: intentionally self-inflicted injuries;

suicide while sane; attempted suicide while sane; pregnancy,

childbirth or miscarriage; accident occurring while a passenger

on, operating or learning to operate, or serving as a

crew member of any aircraft. Injuries or sickness sustained

while under the influence of drugs (other than prescribed)

or alcohol are not covered. Injuries or illness sustained while

racing or committing or attempting to commit a felony are

not covered. This is a general summary, but it is still subject

to the policy terms, conditions and exclusions.

Medical Assistance

Medical assistance for Global Village team members is available

24 hours a day, seven days a week. It includes the following:

• Medical evacuation and repatriation benefit. Your expenses

up to $150,000 will be covered in the case that accidental

bodily injury, disease or illness requires your medical

evacuation or repatriation while on a covered trip.

• Multilingual MEDEX assistance specialists.

• Assistance in locating the nearest, most appropriate

medical care.

• International MEDEX preferred provider networks.

• MEDEX program medical advisors (physician) consultative

and advisory services, including review of appropriateness

and analysis of medical care.

• Assistance in establishing contact with family, personal

physician and employer, as appropriate.

• Monitoring progress during treatment and recovery.

• Emergency message transmittal services.

• Translation services and referrals to local interpreters, as


• Verification of insurance coverage facilitating entry and

admissions to hospitals and other medical care providers.

• Special assistance regarding the coordination of direct

claims payment.

• Emergency funds transfers.

• Coordination of embassy and consulate services.

• Management, arrangement and coordination of emergency medical transportation, as necessary.

• Management, arrangement and coordination of repatriation of remains.

• Knowledgeable legal referral assistance.

• Coordination of securing bail bonds and other legal documents.

• Special assistance in replacing lost or stolen travel documents,including passport.

• Courtesy assistance in securing incidental aid and other travel-related services.

• Special assistance in making arrangements for interrupted or disrupted travel plans resulting from emergency situations, including:

1. The return of unaccompanied travel companions.

2. Travel to the bedside of a stranded person.

3. Rearrangement of ticketing due to accident or illness and other travel-related emergencies.

4. The return of stranded motor vehicles and relatedpersonal items.

Covered Services Per Volunteer Benefits

Medical Accident or Sickness. . . . . . . $250,000 Max.

Deductible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None

Coverage (%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%

Permanent Total Disability . . . . . . . . . . . . $250,000

Emergency Medical Evacuation . . . . . . . . $150,000

Accidental Death & Dismemberment. . . . . . $250,000

Repatriation of Remains . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150,000

Medical Assistance Services . . . . . . . . . . . MEDEX

Quick Tips for Filing a Claim

Policy 6404-54-47


1. Notify your Global Village team leader of any accident

or need for medical attention as soon as possible.

2. Your team leader will supply you with an accident claim

form that needs to be completed and sent to Habitat

Claims Unit c/o Chubb Group of Insurance Co. Details

are on the form.

3. Be certain the attending physician completes the

“Physician’s Report” section of the claim form, including

diagnostic/treatment, signature and date.

4. Obtain a copy of the hospital/clinic invoices and make

copies of all prescriptions/invoices and submit same

with the claim form.

5. Have your team leader sign the form.

6. Claims must be submitted within 90 days from the date

of the accident/injury/illness.