Building Costs in Vietnam

One of the stated purposes of the Global Village program is to raise funds for the building efforts of Habitat affiliates worldwide. To remain consistent with our mission, the Global Village department is not able to roll additional funds over to a future GV trip. Habitat for Humanity International will direct any additional funding you raise (beyond the published trip cost of $1,670) to support building programs in Vietnam.

So please consider donating or raising more than you actually need. For example, any money our team raises above the published trip costs could be used to purchase any of the following items in Vietnam:

Provide children and families with safe, clean drinking water

Bio-sand water filtration system (500 litres) : $80

Rain water cement jar (1 cubic meter): $20

Rain water harvesting system (1 cubic meter cement jar, gutters, sout, galvamnized iron roof sheeting, steel purlins: $500

Improve health and well-being of children and families with sanitation facilities

Toilet (toilet housing,latrine and disaster resilient septic tank: $300

Strengthen a family's resilience to poor health and natural disaster by improving quality of life

Roof - galvanized iron sheeting + steel purlins (average size = 40 square meters): $600

Roof - clay tiles (average size 40 square meters): $700

Foundation - clay brick + stone mixed with cement (average size 40 square meters) $450

Floor - cement (average size 40 square meters): $650

Ceramic tiling (30 cm X 30 cm each) to cover the floor of an average sized house (40 square meters): $800

One square meter of brick wall--finished with cement mortar on both sides: $7

Walls for an entire house (average = 80 square meters): $560

Plastic PVC ceiling paneling (reduces interior temperatures): $15 per square meter

Plastic roof for an entire house (average 40 square meters): $600

Gypsum ceiling paneling: $10 per square meter

Gypsum ceiling for an entire house (average = 40 square meters): $400

Steel door: $100

Steel window frame: $35

One bucket of paint (50 litres): $100

One set of tools (paint brushes, hammer, cutters, pliers, saw): $25

One bucket of nails (15 kilograms): $20