Budziński Anna

Anna Budziński - Chicago 

Była w 168/195 państwach ONZ i na wszystkich kontynentach (visited 168/195 countries of the UN and all continents).

Originally from Warszawa, Ania and her family immigrated to the United States and have since resided in the suburbs of Chicago. From family vacations and sleepaway camps to study abroad programs, Ania grew up traveling. After graduating from DePaul University in 2013, Ania started working full-time as a bank regulator. Not long after, she realized that there is so much more to life than simply working. In 2015, Ania decided that she wanted to visit every country in the world—“around the world in ten years” became her goal. With limited annual leave at her disposal, she travels any chance she gets. She always tries to combine her passion for traveling with her love of adventure. From snowboarding, scuba diving, and white water rafting to mouth-feeding hyenas, she is always looking for her next adrenaline fix. Most of the time, she travels solo. But, she tries to include her family as much as possible. Halfway through 2019, she has visited all seven continents and 105 of the 193 United Nations Member States, plus many other territories, dependencies, self-declared states, autonomous regions, and disputed territories. At this time, South Africa remains her favorite country in the world, where she hopes to live one day.