2016 TDK overview

Short Video Clips of 2016 TDK ride TDK Video of start of 5k and Fun Walk

2016 Beneficiaries

Brandon and Mary are the recipients and will each receive 50% of the proceeds from the 2016 Tour De Kale.

Brandon Boyles

B Brandon grew up in Denton and graduated from South Davidson High in 2009. He attended DCCC where he earned his degree in firefighting & emergency medicine. He has volunteered for Denton & Healing Springs fire depts. as well as Davidson County Rescue Squad. He worked as a paramedic for MEDIC in Charlotte from 2011 until May 2014. At that time he sustained a major shoulder injury, was then diagnosed with Rocky Mountain spotted fever and was then diagnosed with Grade 3 anaplastic astrocytoma, a rare form of brain cancer. There is currently no cure for this kind of cancer. After surgery he had 6 weeks of radiation and chemo, and will have to take chemo once a month for at least a year. He has to make multiple trips monthly to Chapel Hill and frequently has to go the emergency room for headaches and possible seizures. There are enormous out of pocket expenses for medical bills, medicine and travel costs.

Mary Eason Hughes

MMary was born and raised in Denton and graduated from South Davidson High School. In December 2013, Mary was not feeling well. She had been sick for several weeks. She went to the doctor and was misdiagnosed with h-pilorio. Although she felt better, after many more months and several tests she was diagnosed with Colon Cancer in May of 2014. Chemo began shortly after her diagnosis but nearly killed her. Mary has a rare blood mutation that does not accept many types of chemo. She spent many weeks in Baptist hospital recovering. Finally the doctors were able to find a treatment that her body was suited for. After chemo was finished she went through radiation treatments. When these treatments were going on she rarely complained. All she would ask for were prayers. In May of 2015, Mary was in remission.

In June of 2015 she developed an infection in her sacrum bone. This was extremely painful for her and she was unable to work. Mary was employed at Walmart in Lexington. They were great about working with her during her treatments and welcomed her back with open arms as she recovered but she lost her job on June 30th 2015. Shortly after, her house went into foreclosure and sadly they lost their home. They were able to find an apartment nearby so their son Zachary was able to continue attending Central Davidson High School.

Thanksgiving 2015, she was diagnosed again. The cancer had returned in her sacrum. Since this diagnosis, Mary has had to spend more time in the hospital taking chemo, but with little effect. Radiation and surgery are not an option at this time. Mary has developed several more complications due to the colon cancer including a blood infection. At the moment Mary is in Baptist Cancer Center in severe pain. Her team of doctors are doing their best to decide how to treat her. Her husband is fortunate to have a great employer that allows him to be with her, but he’s not being paid.

Each year we do all we can to raise money for our beneficiaries but the backbone of our fundraiser is the wonderful sponsors that support us each year. If you know any individual, company or corporation that could help us, please let us know.

……. and a HUGE Thank You to our current sponsors listed below!

Flagship Sponsor

Loflin Fabrication has been an integral part of our success for many years. Thanks guys!

Platinum Sponsors

High Rock Hosiery for their amazing custom TDK Running and cycling socks

Denton Farmpark for generous use of the farmpark.

Austin Peacock for donation of billboard on Hwy 109.

Gold Sponsors

Lee Compton – $1,000

RP and Penny Hughes – $1000

Skeen Printing and Packaging Solution -$1000.00

64 Portables for providing portable restrooms

Canaan-First UMC “United Churches-$1000.00

Larry Furr Enterprises for giving us storage space

Town of Denton for providing Harrison Park and $500

Watkins Farm and Marine -$1000.00

Deric and Melisa Skeen -$1200.00

Scott and Amy Yates -$1000.00

Chapel Hill United Methodist Church for a wonderful meal

The Denton Orator for helping us get the word out through their newspaper

The Springs at High Rock for providing access to The Summit

Village Printing of Asheboro for printing posters and flyers

Silver Sponsors

Andrea and Darryl Duncan for dumpster donation

Nathan Johnson Farm – $600

Cheerwine – $500.00

Ed Price and Associates – $500

Tracey & Rhae Auman

Ronnie and Virginia Harrison – $500.00

John and Sarah Grice – $500.00

Spinz Bike Shop from High Point for providing tech and mechanic support

Alcoa – $500

BEEM Developmental Services – Anderson & Hickey Families – $500

First Bank of Denton – $500

Ultra-Mek Inc – $500

Century Hosiery -$500

The Village Restaurant and Cagle Sawmill -$500

Lineberry UMC and Lifeguards – United Methodist Men’s Group -$500

Bronze Sponsors

Wesleyan Church – $250

Denton Healthcare – $200

Asheboro Recycling Center/Kim Markham – $100

Bobbie’s Tire & Muffler – $100

Dale & Glenda Futrell – $100

Flowers by Patty – $100

GHS Corporation – $100

Greg Loftin – A & G Automotive – $100

Imogene Morris – $100

Jeff and Joy Gallimore – $100

Max and Darcus Bisher – $100

Milton & Linda Pierce – $100

Mobil Mart – $100

Odies Auto Sales – $100

Paul and Vicki Mitchell – $100

Ronnie & Suzanne Gallimore – $250

Troutman’s Bar-B-Que – $100

Joe Foley – $100

Papa’s Pizza – $10 Coupon

Denton Hair Designers – $100

Rock Garden – $25

Loflin Seed and Grain – $100

Mike and Genie Russell – $100