
Publications 2010

    • Hans-Peter A. Künzi, O. Olela Otafudu. The scale of a quasi-uniform space, Acta Math. Hungar. 127 (3)

    • (2010), 239–259.

    • Hans-Peter A. Künzi, C. Makitu Kivuvu. Cauchy filter pairs on quasi-uniform spaces, Proceedings of the Workshop

    • in Applied Topology, Gand´ıa, June 16–18, 2010, WiAT’10, pp. 147–157.

    • Hans-Peter A. Künzi, J. Rodr´ıguez-L´opez, S. Romaguera. Hyperspaces of a weightable quasi-metric space: Application to models

    • in the theory of computation, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 52 (2010), 674–682.

Publications 2009

    • Hans-Peter A. Künzi, S. Dolecki and T. Nogura Weak regularity and consecutive topologizations and regularizations of

    • pretopologies, Topology Appl. 156 (2009), 1306–1314.

    • Hans-Peter A. Künzi, S. Romaguera, M.A. S´anchez-Granero. The bicompletion of the Hausdorff quasi-uniformity, Topology Appl.

    • 156 (2009), 1850–1862.

    • Hans-Peter A. Künzi, C. Makitu Kivuvu. The B-completion of a T0-quasi-pseudometric space, Topology Appl.

    • 156 (2009), 2070–2081.

    • Hans-Peter A. Künzi, O. Olela Otafudu. The versatile Hausdorff hyperspace construction, Proceedings of the

    • Workshop in Applied Topology, Palma de Mallorca, June 11–12, 2009, WiAT’09,

    • pp. 17–27.

    • Hans-Peter A. Künzi, An introduction to quasi-uniform spaces, in: Beyond Topology, eds.

    • F. Mynard and E. Pearl, Contemporary Mathematics 486, Amer. Math. Soc.

    • 2009, pp. 239–304.

    • Hans-Peter A. Künzi, Z. Mushaandja. Topological ordered C- (resp. I-)spaces and generalized metric spaces,

    • Topology Appl. 156 (2009), 2914–2922.

Publications 2008

    • Hans-Peter A. Künzi, Charly Makitu Kivuvu. A double completion for an arbitrary T_0-quasi-metric space. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 76 (2008) 251–269.

    • Hans-Peter A. Künzi, V. Kreinovich. Static space-times naturally lead to quasi-pseudometrics, Theor. Comput.

    • Sci. 405 (2008), 64–72.

    • Hans-Peter A. Künzi, A.E. McCluskey, T.A. Richmond. Ordered separation axioms and the Wallman ordered compactification,

    • Publ. Math. Debrecen 73/3-4 (2008), 361–377.

Publications 2007

    • Eliza P. de Jager, Hans-Peter A. Künzi. Infima and complements in the lattice of quasi-uniformities. Topology and its Applications 154 (2007) 2117–2126.

    • D. Holgate and M.Sioen. Approach structures and measures of connectedness. Quaestiones Mathematicae 30 (2007) 321–334.

    • Hans-Peter A. Künzi. Uniform structures in the beginning of the third millenium. Topology and its Applications 154 (2007) 2745–2756.

    • Senol Dost, Hans-Peter A. Künzi. Observations on quasi-uniform products. Topology and its Applications 154 (2007) 1157–1169.

Publications 2006

    • G.C.L. Brümmer and H.-P.A. Kunzi. Idempotency of extensions via the bicompletion. Applied Categorical Structures

    • G.C.L. Brümmer and M. Sioen, Asymmetry and bicompletion of approach spaces. Topology Applications 153 (2006), 3101-3112.

    • E.P. de Jager and H.-P. A. Künzi, Infima of quasi-uniform anti-atoms, Topology Appl. 153(17) (2006) 3327--3337.

    • E.P. de Jager and H.-P. A. Künzi, Atoms, anti-atoms and complements in the lattice of quasi-uniformities, Topology Applications 153 (2006), 3140-3156.

    • K. A. Hardie and P. J. Witbooi. The Whitehead square of the six-point 2-sphere, to appear.

    • H.-P.A. Kunzi, H. Pajoohesh, M.P. Schellekens. Partial quasi-metrics, Theoretical Computer Science 365 (2006) 237 - 246.

    • H.-P.A. Kunzi. Iterations of quasi-uniform hyperspace constructions, Acta Math. Hungar. 113 (3), (2006), 213-225.

    • Anneliese Schauerte. Notions of Local Compactness and Smallest Compactifications of Biframes. Applied Categorical Structures 14(3) (2006) 259-272.