Manjunath Gandhi* (University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa), Embedding dynamics for topologically consistent learning, 24/10/2023, 4pm (of Cape Town), MAM 111, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Pictures and Slides

Mbekezeli Nxumalo* (Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa),  (i,j)-remote sublocales, 17/10/2023, 4pm (of Cape Town), MAM 111, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Pictures and Slides

Ahmad Erfanian* (Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran),  Some recent probabilities in finite groups and attempts for infinite groups, 10/10/2023, 4pm (of Cape Town), MAM 111, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Pictures and Slides

Mita Ramabulana (University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa),  On Delsarte's problem on locally compact abelian groups, 03/10/2023, 4pm (of Cape Town), MAM 111, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Pictures and Slides

Karl-Hermann Neeb (FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg, Erlangen, Germany), A representation theoretic perspective on particle localization, 26/09/2023, 4pm (of Cape Town), MAM111, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Pictures and Slides

Alfredo Donno (Universita' Niccolo Cusano, Rome, Italy), The Basilica Group and its Schreier Graphs: Algebraic, Topological and Spectral Properties, 19/09/2023, 4pm (of Cape Town), MAM111, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Pictures and Slides

Daniele D'Angeli (Universita' Niccolo Cusano, Rome Italy), Groups and Graphs from Automata, 18/09/2023, 2pm (of Cape Town), MAM111, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Pictures and Slides

Elizabeth Stevenson (University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa), The Proof of the Fourier Theorem, 22/08/2023, 4pm (of Cape Town), MAM 111, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.

Sunil Chebolu* (Illinois State University, Normal, USA), Zero-sum free sequences and hyperplane arrangements, 01/08/2023, 4pm (of Cape Town), organized by University of Cape Town, online via Zoom.

* online seminar


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