Directions and Venue

The venue of the meeting is located


at African Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

The social dinner will be at the restaurant:

Hussar Grill

10 Main Road, Rondebosch, 7700, Cape Town

Tel: (0027) (0) 21 - 6899516


This restaurant is very close to the suggested accommodations and is integrated in the UCT campus. Please, have a look


Another useful indication may be the map of the

upper campus of UCT

and of the

middle/lower campus of UCT

There will be in fact a shuttle service from UCT to AIMS in the days of the meeting.

The shuttle will leave:

1. from Bremner Building (UCT lower/middle campus) at 8 am on Wednesday 6th;

2. from AIMS at 5pm on Wednesday 6th;

3. from Bremner Building (UCT lower middle campus) at 8 am on Thursday 7th;

4. from AIMS at 5pm on Thursday 7th.