Scientific Motivations

After the success of the

1st Workshop on Topology and Topological Groups 2017

the group of research Topology, Algebra and Dynamical Systems of the University of Cape Town decided to have a second edition with more emphasis on graph theory, due to the growing impact of this subject in topology. The leitmotif of the 1st edition was to focus on recent connections between Topology and Topological Groups, now we would like to focus on aspects of Graph Theory, Topology and Topological Groups. The presence of combinatorial methods and techniques of graph theory is in fact interesting the investigations of members of the above group of research recently.

There are three main scientific motivations for the present workshop:

the first is to provide a forum of discussion on topics of graph theory and topology within the local research groups;

the second is to continue a successful meeting on topics of topology and algebra;

the third is to involve an important mobility scheme between Italy and South Africa, namely the Italian-South Africa joint Research Project - ISARP (2018-2020), in the perspective of internationalization of the University of Cape Town.

This third aspect has been supported by National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF) and Ministero deli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale of Italy (MAECI), in order to promote topics of algebraic graph theory between the two countries. A first moment of interaction has begun via the

Workshop on Algebraic Graph Theory and Complex Networks 2018

and the present meeting wishes to be a natural continuation. Due to COVID19 and the corresponding travel restrictions, the original version of the meeting (planned in April 2020 in the usual way) was postponed and it will be online on the 10th of March 2021 via Zoom.