[Xposed][MOD] Flying Android

Flying Android flies activity, dialog and status bar. After installing this module, you can move them freely.

For more information, visit support/discussion thread on XDA.

Download: http://repo.xposed.info/module/jp.tkgktyk.flyingandroid

-> after moving

Special Thanks

    • Xposed framework by rovo89

Reference mods:

    • GravityBox by C3C076

    • SwipeBack by PeterCxy

    • XHaloFloatingWindow by zst123


  • Notification Toggle by Joe R.


    • Chinese (zh-rCN, zh-rHK and zh-rTW) by CodeingBoy


  • Jimmy34742 supports FA from before XDA thread is created.

  • All persons who provide feedback and support.



#58 damien.g...@gmail.com

In my case this bug appeared with the addition of many libraries (For me 9 libraries with 5 Android Project Library) For information, to avoid this bug I process this way: Step 1: Cleaning of all the libraries and Eclipse project application with the "build automatically" enabled. Step 2: Disable the option "build automatically" Step 3: Clean the Eclipse project application ONLY (Not libraries) Step 4: Launch the export of the application with Android APK tools and it should work.

Change Logs

version 1.2.2 (beta)

bug fix: checkbox

version 1.2.1 (experimental)

Test: background is more experimental

version 1.2.0 (experimental)


Added: override sequences for ACTION_TOGGLE, ACTION_RESET and ACTION_TOGGLE_PIN's method. They are replaced Activity#onToggleFlyingMode, Activity#onResetFlyingMode and Activity#onToggleFlyingPin respectively if target Activity has them.

Test: changed behavior of force set background.

version 1.1.1 (beta)

Added: an option for animation

Modified: reset state when input method (soft keyboard) is opened

version 1.1.0 (stable)

Modified: animation speed

version 1.0.5 (beta)

Updated: Chinese text (zh-rCH, zh-rHK and zh-rTW; thanks to CodeingBoy)

Fixed: reload settings without reboot

Added: animation when takeoff or go home

version 1.0.4 (beta)

Modified: use two-pane layout for settings on the large display devices.

version 1.0.3 (beta)

Added: notification toggle (thanks to Joe R.)

Modified: the speed setting from list box to edit text.

Added: Chinese(zh-rCN; thanks to CodeingBoy) and Japanese.

Modified: behavior of pin which is always displayed.

version 1.0.2 (beta)

Modified: speed up to x9.

version 1.0.1 (stable)

Fixed: auto pin when takeoff

version 1.0.0 (stable)

Added: Niwatori option.

changes from 0.6.14:

Deleted: automatically reset background.

Added: force set black background setting. Check apps for clear background if you encountered a ghost on the outside of app after moving. I saw a ghost on Chrome, FireFox and Feedly.

Modified: add initial position instead of takeoff position. You can set initial position when fly more flexible.

Fixed: TabActivity

version 0.6.16 (beta)

Deleted: automatically reset background.

Added: force set black background setting. Check apps for clear background if you encountered a ghost on the outside of app after moving. I saw a ghost on Chrome, FireFox and Feedly.

version 0.6.15 (beta)

Modified: add initial position instead of takeoff position. You can set initial position when fly more flexible.

version 0.6.14

Modified: background

Fixed: TabActivity

version 0.6.13

Release as stable version. (no changes from 0.6.12)

changes from 0.5.6:

New: Pin to fix window position after moving.

New: several settings for Pin.

New: Flying Status Bar, you can fly the expanded status bar.

Modified: setting's changes to take effect without rebooting.

Fixed: several bugs.

Improved: toggle speed by FA Toggle.

version 0.6.12 (testing)

Removed: Reload timing setting. (meaningless)

Fixed: for Feedly. However "FA Toggle" and Feedly are not well-matched. Show pin always by new setting "always show pin" as workaround.

New: setting "always show pin"

version 0.6.11 (testing)

New: Reload timing setting.

version 0.6.10 (testing)

Fixed: window background for some apps

Fixed: TabHost

New: Flexible pin position setting.

version 0.6.9 (testing)

Fixed: handle outside click even when window is pinned.

version 0.6.8 (testing)

Removed: force set window background option. This function is processed automatically (for me).

Fixed: input focus is reset.

Fixed: cannot close expanded status bar by swiping up.

Fixed: black list is not apply to flying dialog.

New: one-shot auto pin. Auto pin setting is reset.

version 0.6.7 (testing)

Changed: split hooks for Flying into activity, dialog and status bar. In prior versions, hooked DecorView.

New: new options "Flying dialog" and "Reset when collapsed".

Adjusted: black / white lists.

version 0.6.6 (testing)

Removed: supporting for GB

Fixed: pin's behavior.

version 0.6.5 (testing)

New: Flying Status Bar feature (but imperfect).

Added: White list for pin.

Added: Shortcut of FA Toggle for launchers

Fixed: Window including TabHost has multiple Flying Carpets.

version 0.6.4 (testing)

Fixed (again): layout of black list.

Fixed: caused to Force Close in call on Samsung's Galaxy.

version 0.6.3 (testing)

Fixed: Timing of reload settings is changed from reboot to recreate Activity.

New: Auto pin function. if enabled, pin window automatically after moving.

New: An option for window background. if enabled, background might make clean.

Removed: Show toast function.

Changed: minSdkVersion = 9 to support Gingerbread.

version 0.6.2 (testing)

New: Pin/Unpin button.

Fixed: blocked an unhandled click that occurred inside of app when the flying mode.

Adjusted: performance of flying.

Adjusted: layout of the black list. -> Reverted to previous layout because new layout has bug.

Fixed: reduced FA Toggle's time lag until sending broadcast ACTION_TOGGLE.

Fixed: conflict with SwipeBack.

version 0.5.6

New: add new checkbox to select whether showing toast.

version 0.5.5

Fixed: add transparent background to boundary. work correctly on JB.

Fixed: adjust position when called onConfigurationChanged.

Fixed: suppress debug logs.

Fixed: FA Toggle's flags.

version 0.5.4

Changed: signature. Free A.G.H (Google Play) has registered Flying Android's APK without permission.

Changed: vertical drag interface is enabled on only floating window such as Dialog.

New: adjust position when called onConfigurationChanged.

Changed: suppress logs for debug.

Updated: demo movie on Youtube.

version 0.5.3 (testing)

Fixed: not work correctly on some applications.

Reverted: vertical drag interface. This is enabled on all window but I expect to use this on the dialog. The drag doesn't conflict with ScrollView because its sensitivity is dulled.

version 0.5.2 (testing)

Fixed: crash when IME is opened.

version 0.5.1 (testing)

New: takeoff position.

New: draw boundary when fly mode.

Removed: vertical drag interface.

Fixed: FA Toggle's animation.

version 0.5.0 (testing)

New: implement broadcast. Flying Android toggles modes when received ACTION_TOGGLE (short for "jp.tkgktyk.flyingandroid.ACTION_TOGGLE").

New: Flying Android's APK contains a new application named "FA toggle". "FA toggle" just send broadcast ACTION_TOGGLE.

version 0.4.2

Fixed: output error logs when touched on outside of detection area. (scroll performance on other applications is improved.)

Changed: dull drag on the horizontal.

version 0.4.1(testing)

Fixed: crash on some application.

New: setting of width of drag area

version 0.4.0

Release on Xposed Module Repository.

New: Black list

version 0.3.0

New: Vertical drag to change state

version 0.2.0

Fixed: Noisy when move WebView

Fixed: Contents are separated

version 0.1.0(demo)

First release