Worship Leader Attributes
Which of these qualities, attributes and gifting do you consider to be required by individual musicians/singers leading worship?
I know and live out Jesus' command: I love the Lord with all my heart, mind and strength, and I truly love my neighbour as myself. I have laid down my life for my friends; I live a sacrificial life in gratitude to my saviour.
Assurance of my self worth and fulfilment is based on my deep and intimate relationship with my Father rather than in what I do in life or at church
I have recognised - and others have confirmed - God's calling on me to lead others in worship, and this servanthood is born out in my life
I have a desire to enable others to worship before considering my own needs
The depth or power of worship is dependant on the depth of my relationship with God, and his presence rather than the skills and leadership of the meeting
I'm eager to do anything to help others worship, and again, I'll stop doing anything that prevents others worshipping
It's more important to be what God wants me to be than to do what he wants me to do
I'm keen to nurture, polish and perfect my vocal and musical skills
I find it easy to submit to others
I recognise and nurture God's gifting in others
I prefer to pass on God's blessing and gifting; I never like to keep it for myself
I'd rather sing the right/ordained song instead of a new song
I'm always delighted NOT to sing or play unless God calls me to sing or play; I am used to hearing my Father's voice and desires in many things
I am able to recognise the state, mood and needs of the congregation as I lead in worship
I will withdraw when I am unable to lead others into God's presence
I enjoy the Spirit's direction for every song and hymn, and for who will lead each item
You may want to have a look at the page What's leading all about? or the Leadership Styles page