
The adventure in the garden at Millside began after a line of Leylandii were skillfully cut down. A variagated shrub border takes over, including Berebris Thunbergii Red Pillar & Red Rocket; Berberis Thunbergii Pink Queen; Caryopteris X Cland Worcester Gold; Cedrus Deodara; Cistus Corbariensis; Escallonia Apple Blossom; Lavendula Stoechas Devonshire; Hazel Corylopsis 2X Corylopsis Spicata; Photinia Fraseri Red Robin; Photinia x Fraseri Robusta Compact; Rosmarinus Majorcan Pink; Spiraea Vanhoutei; Vibrunum Tinus Eve Price and Purpureum.

With a fabulous walnut tree, three apples and a Damson, only a little more time and the orchard will develop. It has been suggested that the Damson has fruited for the first time in recent years. This crop was destined for a little jam, with most of it going to Peggy - much to her surprise. Andrew J suggested that Damson trees send out runners, so perhaps we should be careful how we mow the lawn; they are usually seen where the root has sustained a little damage.

The roses, pictured here moments before finding their snug new homes, create a rich, fragrant rainbow of colour alongside the Privy pathway and bordering the Labyrinth.