Events & Announcements
Please scroll down for more information...
Annual Dues are due by July 1!
Annual dues for property owners are $1,250.00. Checks should be made payable to the Pawling Lake Property Owners Association (PLPOA) and can be mailed to:
The PLPOA c/o Heritage Management
346 US 202
Somers, N.Y. 10589
Send your payment before the July 1st due date to avoid late charges.
Call Heritage Management if you have any questions: 914-276-2509
Other Announcements:
We've had multiple bear sightings! Reduce the chance you'll have black bears visit your property... get more information about black bears and other local wildlife by clicking on "Environment" in the menu above.
Protect against Lyme Disease! The main carrier of the ticks that cause Lyme Disease are mice (not deer!). Use tick repellent and consider treating your property with "Tick Tubes" or a similar product that can help you reduce the tick population on your property without spraying. Click on "Environment" in the menu above for more information about protecting against Lyme...