A Traditional Art Hanging System that will add Value to your Home

Post date: Feb 02, 2019 3:42:18 PM

Looking to do something a little different with your home in 2019? Why not start your very own art collection, using a traditional art hanging system to display it?

Collecting art is becoming increasingly popular as both an interior design feature and as an investment. Some people simply buy what they like, whilst others research up-and-coming artists and choose by value.

It’s amazing how the right art pieces can really transform a property, adding colour and depth and creating interesting talking points. Even better, the range of art hanging systems now available means there’s one for every style of home.

Traditional Art Hanging System

Whilst a modern build would best suit a slimline art hanging system, a traditional art hanging system is perfect for the older home. Based on the early European picture rails, this system allows you to buy or make your own picture rail but purchase purpose-designed picture rail hanging hooks and hangers.

The concept is simple: mount your picture rail high on the wall and then use the strong and authentic brass hooks to hold the hangers in place. Add adjustable hooks and away you go – it couldn’t be easier!

Picture Rail Hanging Hooks

If, however, you prefer a more modern look, you can buy a system complete with track. Unlike the old nail and hook system, the track is easy to mount with just a couple of screws and sits high up on the wall. Then simply slide in the hangers – in stainless steel cable or clear tape – and add the hooks.

A system like this will not only serve you well whilst you live in the home, it will also add value to your property when you sell. Or, you can simply unscrew the whole system and take it with you, with just a couple of small holes to plaster over.

Be sure to choose a quality system that will last you a lifetime.