Hedeby Pouch Bag

Hedeby Pouch Bag

Hedeby Pouch Bag

Thatshim ( Gary ) wanted some thing to put his wallet , car keys and mobile phone in when we are at Events .

And I was given some beautiful skeins of grey wool from Gotland by Fathma Nachiar as a present on Sunday ( 20th Oct 2013)

- so we decided to make the Hedeby Pouch Bag

Gary made the wooden pouch bag handles out of some scrap pieces of golden elm

and I wove the wool material on the Rigid heddle loom in a tabby weave

Gary wanted the bag lined with linen so his keys wouldn't catch and pull the wool

Construction Time

construction time has been 3 days

materials used - golden elm wood, gotland wool and pure linen

Hand woven & Hand sewn

Size : woven part is 16 cm ( 6 inches ) wide x 20 cm ( 8 inches ) Long

handle is 19cm ( 7 & half inches ) wide x 4 cm ( 1 & half inches ) long

Hedeby Pouch Bag
Hedeby Pouch Bag
Hedeby Pouch Bag
Hedeby Pouch Bag
Hedeby Pouch Bag
Hedeby Pouch Bag

Reference on the wooden Hedeby Pouch Bag handles finds

from " Die Holzfunde von Haithabu" by Florian Westphal

Post Published date: 24-Oct-2013