Sister Organisations

United Kingdom Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR)


When ESR was formed in New Zealand there was great concern in many countries about the nuclear arms race.  In the UK, Peter Newton founded Civil Engineers for Nuclear Disarmament in October 1982.  Soon after it was joined by other disciplines to become Engineers for Nuclear Disarmament, (EngND).

In November 1987 when Alan Titchener attended their Annual General Meeting at Hebden Bridge he was asked to describe ESR in New Zealand.  In particular he talked about the cooperation between ESR, IPPNW and SANA to produce the Nuclear Fact Sheets.  Peter Newton the President of EngND was so impressed with the wider scope of ESR in New Zealand that he became a member of our organisation and persuaded EngND to become a UK ESR using the New Zealand ESR Logo.  This was finally achieved on 11 November 1989.  At their AGM in October 1991 ESR joined with Architects for Peace to become Architects and Engineers for Social Responsibility (AESR).

ESR has maintained strong links with the UK AESR and the previous ESR and EngND through visits of ESR New Zealand members while they were in UK, and through Peter Newton who visited New Zealand.  Norm Stannard from ESR spoke at the AESR annual conference in 2002 in was describes as an inspiring talk on ESR’s work in New Zealand.  There are many issues addressed by AESR that are very similar to those being addressed by ESR in New Zealand – climate change, transport, energy, electromagnetic radiation etc.  ESR has regularly exchanged newsletters and AESR in UK, now merged with Scientists for Global Responsibility.

AESR merged with Scientists for Global Responsibility in October 2005 to provide a combined membership of 850 enabling the merged organisations to be in a stronger position to speak out persuasively for an ethical approach to science, design and technology issues.  SGR is actively involved in Ethical Careers in Science and Technology, an ongoing series of publications and other information outlining the current ethical controversies in science and technology, and giving advice on how to incorporate an ethical perspective into choosing a career in science and technology.  SGR are also has a military influence on science and technology programme, an ongoing research and education project.  SGR has also organised regular conferences on controversial issues in science and technology and produced a regular newsletter and a number of publications.  ESR and SGR continue to exchange newsletters.


 International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES) <>


ESR is a member of INES, which was founded in Berlin in 1991 “to encourage and facilitate communication among scientists and engineers seeking to promote international peace and security, justice and sustainable development and working for a responsible use of science and technology.”


This organisation includes Scientists for Global Responsibility as well as many other organisations in other countries around the world.


American Engineers for Social Responsibility

As the result of sabbatical leave at Canterbury University in 1987 and contact there with John Peet, Jim Evans, Professor of Structural Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Washington became interested in ESR.  He invited Tom Munsey, a hydrological engineer with the US Army Corps of Engineers to come to Christchurch for a visit where they attended a large meeting of ESR in Christchurch in May 1987.  Together Tom and Jim wrote a paper entitled “Engineers, Ethics and Nuclear Weapons” in the July 1987 Journal of Journal of Professional Issues of the American Society of Civil Engineers.  They called for “engineers to shed the image of uncritical accommodation of authority and to begin to adhere to their code of ethics”.

American Engineers for Social Responsibility published its first newsletter in Spring 1988 including a welcoming letter from ESR’s NZ founder, Gerald Coates.  When John Peet visited USA in 1990 he was able to attend the second Annual National meeting of American Engineers for Social Responsibility.  At that time there were 170 members, but because of the large geographical, distribution getting together was difficult.  However AESR continued providing an excellent newsletter until 1992 when interest in the group declined.

Tom Munsey visited New Zealand in 1997 when he presented papers to the IPENZ and ESR Conferences in Wellington and a Branch meeting in Christchurch.  Tom has also been involved in maintaining the web site of International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES).
