
This list is provided as a source of further information on the topics or organisations mentioned.  The inclusion of a website or organisation does not necessarily imply approval of any or all of its objectives or activities.

  TSS Webinar 2020 - Taking a Different Approach to how Engineers Shape a Low Carbon Future

The Sustainability Society, Engineers for Social Responsibility and the Global Association for Transition Engineering hosted a webinar panel event exploring the transition engineering movement.

Transition Engineering uses a system perspective to strategically plan changes to today’s engineered systems that dramatically reduce fossil energy requirements towards the adaptation required to realise global warming mitigation targets.

This video is from that recent webinar at which some of the issues were introduced in advance of the seminar scheduled for November 2020.

Greater Auckland (previously Transport Blog)

Greater Auckland (formerly TransportBlog) was established in 2015 to provide commentary and encourage intelligent debate about transport and urban form issues, with a particular focus on Auckland.  We want to make our city a better place for everyone.

This is a Declaration of our commitment to a different kind of future - a future based on respect, democracy and fairness which takes care of people and of Nature, a future we create by acting together, a future where our climate is protected.  We can create this future by opposing the damaging things that are happening, and inventing, creating and supporting the positive alternatives.

   The Deep South National Science Challenge

The mission of The Deep South (Te Kōmata o Te Tonga) National Science Challenge is to enable New Zealanders to adapt, manage risk, and thrive in a changing climate.  It is hosted by NIWA, and is a research collaboration between the following Crown Research Institutes, universities and research providers:  National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand Antarctic Research Institute, Landcare Research, University of Otago, Antarctica New Zealand, GNS Science, Victoria University of Wellington.

Engineers Without Borders New Zealand

Engineers Without Borders NZ (EWBNZ) is a member-based not-for-profit organisation with the aim of creating systemic change through humanitarian engineering.  It is an eclectic mix of professional engineers, students, and non-engineers, and  is open to all new members and partners.

EWBNZ works to make a difference with communities within New Zealand and in the South Pacific, and partners with other EWBs internationally to achieve global impact.

   Generation Zero

Generation Zero, a youth-led organisation, was founded with the central purpose of creating a generation-wide movement of young Kiwis working together to secure a safe and thriving zero carbon Aotearoa.

Wise Response

"We live on a biologically complex and exquisite planet, home to 7 billion people and a myriad of other unique life forms.  We believe it is our human responsibility to maintain the integrity of life support systems and the natural processes which sustain and renew them."


  350 Aotearoa

"We are part of an international campaign to unite the world around solutions to climate change. Here in New Zealand, we want to inspire action across our local communities."

     International Campaign to ban Landmines (ICBL)

The International Campaign to ban Landmines works to universalize and ensure full implementation of the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty, as well as for greater action to tackle unexploded ordnance (UXO).  It is represented in New Zealand by the  NZ Campaign Against Landmines.

   Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC)

The Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) is an international network ofl non-governmental organizations establishment  in support of the international call to stop cluster munitions from harming civilians.

In New Zealand it is represented by the Aotearoa New Zealand Cluster Munition Coalition


The Sustainable Energy Forum (SEF) is a group of individuals and corporate organisations promoting information and supporting action which will help move New Zealand towards a sustainable energy future.

    Engineers New Zealand (EngNZ)

IPENZ is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life by the creative application of engineering and technology.

   The Sustainability Society

The Sustainability Society is a Learned Society established to foster sustainability engineering. The Society provides training and fosters dialogue on sustainability through workshops, seminars, forums and international conferences. It takes a complex systems approach to sustainability, recognising that human and natural systems are increasingly interconnected and interdependent.

   New Zealand climate and Health Council.

OraTaiao: New Zealand Climate and Health Council comprises senior doctors and other health professionals in Aotearoa/New Zealand concerned about the effects of climate change on population health. We are part of a worldwide movement of health professional authorities urgently focusing on the health challenges of climate change.

SGR is an independent UK-based membership organisation of about 1000 natural and social scientists, engineers, IT professionals and architects. We promote science, design and technology that contribute to peace, social justice, and environmental sustainability.

SGR's work is focused on four main issues: security and disarmament; climate change and energy, including nuclear power; who controls science and technology? and emerging technologies.

SGR is affiliated to the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES)