ESR Home Page

Who Are We?

Engineers for Social Responsibility Inc. is an independent group of engineers who consider that being knowledgeable in the field of technology means that they also have a special obligation to the public at large. This includes raising the awareness of the engineering profession to the consequences of its activities and explaining and discussing the ramifications of developments in engineering and engineering works to the public. In these days of greater accountability, the professional can no longer hide behind a mask of “professionalism”.

Engineers for Social Responsibility is registered as a charitable entity under the Charities Act 2005.  Its Registration Number is CC41628.

Coming Event

What it takes to be a Climate-Prepared City

Dr Matthew Bradbury and Councillor Julie Fairey

Wednesday 19 April 2023.

See the details on the Coming Events page 



Hot News

Submission in response to MBIE

As a group of professional engineers, Engineers for Social Resonsibility Inc (ESR) strongly endorses MBIE's commitment to meet the government's Carbon Zero targets by 2050.  Our sumission to MBIE is on our Submissions page.


Submission on the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Bill

The ESR Submission on the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Bill is now on the Submissions page of this website.


ESR is now on Facebook at 
