1 Google Form:

- Interest Survey for data collecting & analyzing data

"Technology Survey for Educators" --> CLICK link or take survey BELOW

Greetings fellow educators. Technology. When you read that word, do you get excited goosebumps, or that tingle of fear down your spine? If you are anything like me just 4 months ago, you'd rather spend hours in the dentist's chair than navigate the path to technology competency! If that's you, there is hope. How can I be so sure? Because I'm a new traveler on this path and I have experienced such tremendous results with my students, that I want to help you do the same. By answering these questions, I can better assess where you're at on the technology journey. Please be honest. Trust me when I say that I was the worst offender when it came to technology ignorance (and yes, laziness). So bare your technology-related soul to me. I want to help you get started on a journey that promises to be one that changes how you teach, and how your students learn. Happy survey-ing!