Teach Information Literacy & Critical Thinking!
S.6. Historical Materials
Miriam Sue Dudley pioneered the use of self-paced library instruction workbooks with her Chicano Library Program Workbook (1970). Her last workbook was Library Instruction Workbook (1980). For more information about Mimi Dudley, including her work in founding the ACRL Instruction Section, see the description on the Internet Archive page that also includes links to digitized copies of her workbooks. (Both workbooks are also available through the California Digital Library's eScholarship Repository.)
Dr. Ilene Rockman, a long-time librarian faculty member at the California State University (CSU), was an important and influential figure in information literacy/competency. Sadly, she passed away on November 26, 2005 of non-smoker's lung cancer. Ilene managed the CSU Information Competence Initiative, edited an important information literacy book (Integrating Information Literacy into the Higher Education Curriculum, Jossey-Bass, 2004), and served as Editor-in-Chief of RSR: Reference Services Review for over twenty years. For more on her life, her work, and her impact, see the pdfs below.
See below for Word and pdf copies of...
1974 instructions for librarians regarding utilizing a self-paced library skills workbook program (by Nancy Sevier)
Announcement of Memorial Service for Ilene Rockman, former Editor of RSR: Rference Services Review
Isabel Dickinson's 1979 Science Workbook for UC Riverside undergraduates, adapted from Mimi Dudley's Library Instruction Workbook (shared freely with the author's permission)
Esther Grassian's 1980 Library Workbook (with instructions and answers for fill-in questions) for elementary school students, grades 4-6, adapted from Mimi Dudley's Library Instruction Workbook. CC:BY-NC-SA