Teach Information Literacy & Critical Thinking!

A. Why?

"Genuine Fake Watches - Ephesus" by Esther Grassian 20 Oct 2013

NOTE: Use the menu on the left side of each page to view more pages and subpages.

Read this first!

Are you spending a lot of time helping your students do information research? Do they know the differences between scholarly and popular materials? Are they...

These are symptoms of "information illiteracy." What is "information literacy"? Basically, it is the ability to identify, locate, evaluate, and use information effectively and ethically (adapted from American Library Association. Presidential Committee on Information Literacy. Final Report, 1989;  University of California. Academic Council. University Committee on Library. 2003. “Resolution on Information Literacy" - pdf). See also: California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's Executive Order on ICT (Information and Communications Technologies Literacy S-06-09 (May 28, 2009 -pdf) and President Barack Obama's Presidential Proclamation: National Information Literacy Month, October 2009.

Save time and get better research papers by helping your students improve their information literacy skills.  Click the tabs above for sample information literacy exercises slide shows and teaching tips.

NOTE: See "Exercises & Handouts" in this site for an outline of a UCLA Graduate Teaching Assistant workshop on teaching information researching and critical thinking skills to undergraduates, as well as a copy of the PowerPoint slide show. The slide show is also available on slideshare.net: http://www.slideshare.net/estherg/ta-info-lit-workshop-7-22-09. Check the Notes view in the slide show for full content.

Questions, corrections, or suggestions for additions to this site? Please contact Esther Grassian


This site was originally created in 2009 by Esther Grassian as a LibGuide when she was Information Literacy Librarian in the UCLA College Library. All content in that LibGuide had the following Creative Commons license on it, as does the content in this site that is created and maintained by Esther Grassian (Distinguished Librarian, Emeritus, UCLA College Library). See her personal website for more.

Please send comments and suggestions for improvements to this site to: estherg@ucla.edu OR esthergrassian@gmail.com  

                                And... follow my Twitter feed: estherg

      See also Esther Grassian's personal website:


Creative Commons License