Week #8

Rhode Island College • Feinstein School of Education & Human Development •

Dept. of Educational Studies

FNED 562

Inquiry into Classroom Practice

George Winston, "Winter"

Week 8: Writing the Literature Review


An Overview: What is a Literature Review?

In order to situate your research proposal in a broader context, you will be conducting a Literature Review on your area of inquiry.

You'll be looking into the conversations that other researchers have had and are having on your topic. You'll be asking:

"What have others found that will help inform my study?"

"What research has already been done on my topic?"

And, ultimately, you'll ask, "How does my voice fit into the conversation?"

The Literature Review Assignment

Your literature review should be approximately five pages in length and include at least ten recent (the last 5 years) peer-reviewed sources.

You can also find articles from academic journals, books or online sources, though you must have no more than 25% non-peer-reviewed sources.

What does a Literature Review Look Like?

Here is Dr. Carolyn's Literature Review from her own work as a teacher researcher.

Please follow this format as you complete your own Literature Review.

What Does the Literature Review Rubric Look Like on Blackboard?

Research Proposal Rubric

What are some good sources for peer-reviewed articles?


Google Scholar

Grounding Your Research Question

Let's start by having you ground your research proposal in some particular ways. Please make a copy of and complete the following doc:

Ideas for Compiling a Literature Review

Now we'll take a break and move to the library.


Independent Research and Writing: The Literature Review

Please sit alone so you can work independently.

Your Goal = Begin to research and write your Literature Review.

Here are some handy "They Say/ I Say Sentence Starters" for you to refer to as you write.

Read and view through these texts:

A tutorial for writing a literature review

Some of the Literature Review Articles that Dr. Carolyn has compiled that might be of some help to you.

Your Literature Review is your assignment for our next class.

Continue to collect data in your classroom/write field notes.