
Welcome to our teacher researcher website. I have created this website so students in my "SED 562: Inquiry into Classroom Practice" at Rhode Island College will have a conduit for materials and information.

Teachers like us become researchers who use classrooms as research sites. We see our students as co-teachers and co-learners. By looking at the classroom systematically,we teachers can use research to raise questions about what we think and observe

. We can do so through stories we tell about the contexts of teaching, our own teaching, and our students' learning. We accept the close relationship between the learning process and the human social growth process.

Teacher researchers can pursue difficult subjective features of the social world by seeing student work as data to analyze and describe. Teaching and learning become more keenly intertwined when teachers can become more judicious and reflective about our own practice. Labeled “a quiet form of research” by language and learning theorist Britton (1987), teacher research emphasizes discovery, enables teachers to observe our own students in a variety of situations, and, importantly, empowers teachers like us who are committed to social justice to study and narrate how students resist, acquiesce to, or embrace arguments about equity in society.

As teacher researchers, we must have an awareness of large-scale social systems; of the centrality of place as boundary for the inquiry and the events that take place; of the ways that temporality in human experience draws from the present moment to inform future experiences; and, of sociality as a human concern about personal and social conditions (Clandinin, 2006).

I welcome you on this journey as we explore how we can become teacher-researchers together.

Dr. Carolyn Fortuna

Course Website Overview

This website will be a central location for resources during the semester. The pages in the left frame offer you different items for your future investigations into classroom research. There are lots of sources there -- check 'em out!