Unnamed R2-R5 Astromechs

Some of the unnamed R2 through R5 astromechs featured in the Star Wars movies (I-VI).

Includes unnamed "Jedi R4's", or R4-P-series Astromech droids used by

the Jedi Order for starfighter use, and were equipped with R2-style domes.

R2 series

Radiant VII Republic cruiser

Episode 1 (Complete Vehicles book)

Watto's Shop (Mos Espa)*

Episode 1

*shown in different scenes/timeframes in Watto's shop,modified R2 unit.

Podrace hangar

Episode 1

Podrace arena/pit area

Episode 1


Naboo hangar

Episode 1

*R2 unit not officially named in Canon. Could be R2-D1, or get a new name in the new canon. This astromech is not R2-M5 that was destroyed earlier in the film.

N-1 starfighter (Bravo 4)*

Episode 1

*flown by Rya Kirsch, who was portrayed by ILM visual effects supervisor John Knoll.

Naboo Royal Cruiser

Episode 2 (Complete Vehicles book)

Coruscant streets

Episode 2 (cut)

Naboo bus

Episode 2

Jedi Temple hangar

Episode 2*

*from deleted scene, could also be "Jedi R4" units

Mos Eisley (outside of Cantina)

Episode 4

Mos Eisley (alleyway)

Episode 4 (cut scene)

Rebel briefing (Yavin 4 base)

Episode 4 (cut)

Rebel briefing (Yavin 4 base)

Episode 4 (cut)

Yavin 4 base hangar (Y-wing)

Episode 4

R2 unit (similar to R2-D2 paint)

Hol Okand's (Gold 6) Y-wing*

Episode 4

*pilot assigned to a Y-wing, shown in an X-wing

R2 unit (similar to R2-D2 paint)

Yavin 4 base hangar X-wing

Episode 4

"Red 1" X-wing model

Episode 4

Y-wing model

Episode 4 (original version)

Red 12's X-wing model

Episode 4

Echo Base (near X-wing)

Episode 5

Echo Base hangar

(near Falcon)

Episode 5

Echo Base hangar

(underneath Falcon)

Episode 5

Damaged R2 units

Droid Pool (Jabba's Palace)

Episode 6

Jabba's sail barge

Episode 6

Wedge Antilles' (Red Leader) X-wing

Episode 6

Y-wing model

Episode 6

R3 series

Coruscant (outside Dex's Diner)

Episode 2 (cut)

Echo Base (near X-wing)

Episode 5

Rebel briefing room (Home One)

Episode 6

Rebel briefing room

Episode 6 (offscreen)

R4 series

Republic Star Destroyer

Episode 3

Republic Star Destroyer

Episode 3

John D's (Red 4) X-wing

Episode 4

Echo Base (near Falcon)

Episode 5

Death Star II hangar (near Vader's shuttle)

Episode 6

Death Star II hangar (Emperor's arrival)

Episode 6

R5 series

Padme's Starship

Episode 2 (Complete Vehicles book)

Jedi Temple hangar

Episode 2 (cut)

Mos Eisley (checkpoint background)

Episode 4

Mos Eisley (near Ronto)

Episode 4

Rebel briefing room (Yavin 4 base)

Episode 4

Rebel briefing room (Yavin 4 base)*

Episode 4

*same dome as Red Leader's droid

Yavin 4 base hangar (Y-wing)

Episode 4

Death Star

Episode 4 (cut)

Death Star II hangar

Episode 6

Rebel briefing room (Home One)*

Episode 6

*has binocular sensor "eyes"

Dorovia Bold's (Rebel Pilot) X-wing

Episode 6 (cut)

Grizz Frix's (Red 5) X-wing*

Episode 6

*might be same droid as Dorovia Bold's R5. Colors shown on screen might be incorrect.

Last modified: 7/2021 (new image) *image credit to SW Archives*