S19, V6, Q7, and Q9 Astromechs (Legends/Canon)

S19-series (Legends)

Designed by LesTech, the S19 was built on a boxy chassis and moved

on a wide, single track. They were equipped with six tool appendages, a

claw appendage, a five-jump astrogation buffer, internal comlink, and

holorecorder. The droid series could be modified for different purposes.

It could be modified with a shield generator, a repulsorlift, or a gravity well.

source: Scavenger's Guide to Droids (RPG sourcebook, 2009)

V6-series (Legends)

Built by Industrial Automaton, the V6-series was a followup of the V1-series model.

The droid series was designed to supplement or replace biological pilots for spacecraft

and starships. They were equipped with three-wheeled legs (one retractable),

a retractable arm, and a starship interface jack. The series was also equipped with basic

starfighter repair programming, upgraded astrogation and piloting software, and its

internal memory could store five sets of hyperspace navigation coordinates.

sources: Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids (RPG sourcebook, 1997) (referred as an astromech series and pilot droid), Scavenger's Guide to Droids (RPG sourcebook, 2009) (referred as a pilot droid series)

Q7-series (Canon)*

An experimental astromech droid series, the Q7's were designed

specifically for use in the V-wing starfighters of the Republic. Unlike

other R-series astromechs, the Q7's were spherical, where the top part

of the droid was the R2-style dome, and the lower half being another dome

equipped with repulsorlift engines. The series was later discontinued after

the rise of the Empire.

source: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

*source: SW Complete Vehicles (2016)

Q9-series (Legends)

Experimental droids manufactured by Industrial Automaton sometime

after the Battle of Endor. Based on the R2 and R7-series astromechs,

the Q9-series were thinner than the other R-series droids. Equipped

with a complex personality matrix for quick learning. Only a few hundred

were produced and sold. The series was considered a complete failure,

launching without sufficient testing. One of the most famous droids of the

line was Q9-X2, who over-modified himself.

sources: The Essential Guide to Droids, Corellian Trilogy novels, The New Jedi Order novels

Notable droids

Q9-X2*- owned by the alien Ebrihim, modifications include repulsor pads,

a vocorder that allowed him to speak basic, and a floodlight.

(source: Corellian Trilogy novels)

Q9-01- Kyp Durron's (Jedi) droid, nicknamed Zero-One

(source: Dark Journey novel)

*images shown above

Last modified: 4/2020