R6-R9, and R0 Astromech Info (Legends/Canon)

R6-series (Legends/Canon)*

Released soon after the Battle of Endor, The R6-series droids were Industrial

Automaton's attempt at repairing their reputation after the failed R5-series.

The R6 astromech series was geared toward the civilian market and

more expensive than the R5 and R4-series droids, but cheaper than the

R2-series. Each droid could store twelve hyperspace jump coordinates.

sources: The New Essential Guide to Droids (Legends), Wookiepedia

Other Notable R6 Units^*

R6-S1- (source: Living Force Campaign, RPG)

^*R6 units with images are located under the Episodes 7-9 and Comic Astromech pages

R7-series (Legends)

Released by Industrial Automaton soon after the Battle of Endor,

The R7-series droids were designed specifically for E-wing starfighters.

In order to work in X-wings and Y-wings, the droids had to be heavily modified.

Each R7 could hold up to fifteen hyperspace jump coordinates.

sources: The New Essential Guide to Droids, Wookiepedia

Other Notable R7 Units**

Fiver- Anakin Solo's R7 unit

(source: New Jedi Order books)

**R7 units with images are located under the Expanded Universe Astromechs page

R8-series (Legends)

Following the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn during the

New Republic, Industrial Automaton released the R8-series droids.

The series came with a built-in comm system, which made it as

valuable as the R2-series.

sources: The New Essential Guide to Droids, Vision of the Future novel, Wookiepedia

R9-series (Legends)

Created during the rule of the Galactic Alliance, the R9-series is

the latest droid series released by Industrial Automaton. R9's

were well known for self-enchancing their preservation routines.

The New Jedi Order used R9 astromechs in their StealthX starfighters.

sources: Dark Nest novels, The New Essential Guide to Droids, Wookiepedia

Notable R9 units

Arnie- Luke Skywalker's R9 unit

Neufie- Jacen Solo's R9 unit

Nine- Mara Jade's R9 unit

(sources: Dark Nest novels)

Sneaker- Jaina Solo's R9 unit

(sources: Legacy of the Force novels)

R0-series (Canon)

Used by the Resistance thirty years after the Battle of Endor.

Some R0 astromechs were used in T-70 X-wing starfighters.

sources: Poe Dameron 7 comic, Star Wars: The Episode VII The Force Awakens

*The R6-series Astromech is now canon, though not all info featured in the above article is.

source: Every Droid in Star Wars | Star Wars By the Numbers

Last modified: 8/2020 (page name change, formatting)