R2-R5 Astromech Info

R2-series (Canon)

Produced by Industrial Automaton, the R2-series Astromech droids were the most

sought after of the series, with R2-D2 being the most famous. The series prototype

was R2-0, which had brass coloring. R2 droids were 0.96 meters in height, and fitted

with an Intellex IV computer.

sources: Dark Nest III: Swarm War (Legends) novel, Wookiepedia

Other Notable R2 droids^

R2-0- Prototype R2-series droid (source: Dark

Nest III: The Swarm War novel)

R2-4B- (source: SW Adventure Journal 13)

R2-B3- Jaina Solo's droid (sources: New Jedi Order books)

R2-B4- (source: SW Adventure Journal 9)

R2-BDE- (source: Borvo and Boonda: Hutt Hutt Hutt #4, RPG)

R2-C9- (source: Instant Adventures, RPG)

R2-D0- (source: Rookies webstrip series)

R2-D609- (source: X-wing: Wraith Squadron novel)

R2-D9- (source: A Night at the Tosche Station, RPG)

R2-K7- (source: Alliance Intelligence Reports, RPG)

R2-L1- (source: The Starfighter Trap, Star Wars Gamer 1)

R2-M3- (source: Supernova, RPG)

R2-P3- (yellow trim) (source: The Force Unleashed video game)

R2-PU- (source: Galactic Campaign Guide, RPG)

R2-Q5 (Bespin)- (source: The Force Unleashed video game)

R2-Q8- (source: SW Adventure Journal 10)

R2-QU- (source: Instant Adventures, RPG)

R2-RC- (source: SW Adventure Journal 12)

R2-RD- (source: SW Adventure Journal 5)

R2-S4- (source: Cracken's Rebel Operatives, RPG)

R2-V0- (magenta trim) (source: SW Campaign Pack, RPG)

R2-V6- (source: Supernova, RPG)

R2-W3- (source: Living Force Campaign, RPG)

R2-X9- (source: SW Adventure Journal 4)

R2-Z13- (source: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand novel)

R2-Z4- (source: Planets of the Galaxy, Volume 2, RPG)

Choco- (source: SW: Droids)

Clink- (source: X-wing: Solo Command novel)

Roll-on- Wedge Antilles' droid (source: Outcast novel)

Shaker- Ben Skywalker's droid (sources: Legacy of the Force novels)

Shiner- (source: X-wing: Wraith Squadron novel)

Tonin- (sources: X-wing novels)

Vape- (sources: X-wing novels)

Wrench (source: SW Starfighter: Starfighter Aces, SW Gamer 2)

R3-series (Canon)

Designed specifically for high-tech companies, the R3-series Astromech droids

looked exactly like their predecessors, except for the clear plastex dome.

R3 droids were primarly equipped to work on capital ships, but could also

be used in starfighters. The series was equipped with Intellex V computers.

sources: The New Essential Guide to Droids (Legends), Wookiepedia

Other Notable R3 droids^

R3-G0- (source: Clone Wars: Way of the Jedi book)

R3-G6- (sources: Clone Wars, Complete SW Encyclopedia)

R3-K8- (source: The DarkStryder Campaign, RPG)

R3-Q5- (has R2 dome) (source: The Force Unleashed video game)

R4-series (Canon)

Simpler, tougher, and cheaper than the previous R3-series, the R4-series

Agromechs were designed for life outside of the hangar. The R4's were

unsuited for starfighter use, as they could only hold coordinates for only

one hyperspace jump. The series was equipped with Intellex VI computers.

Another version of the R4-series are the "Jedi R4's", or R4-P-series

Astromech droids. These droids were modified by the Jedi Order for

starfighter use, and were equipped with R2-style domes.

sources: The New Essential Guide to Droids (Legends), Wookiepedia

Other Notable R4 droids^

R4-B11- (source: Operation: Elrood, RPG)

R4-D1 and R4-D2- Jedi Master Darrus Jeht's droids

(source: "Priorities", Living Force Campaign, RPG)

R4-G7- Derek Klivian's (Rogue pilot) droid

(source: Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor novel)

R4-J9- (source: Living Force Campaign, RPG)

R4-M17- (source: Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley)

R4-S2- (red and gold coloring) (source: Living Force Campaign, RPG)

R5-series (Canon)

A line of low cost astromech droids by Industrial Automaton that was targeted

toward budget buyers. The R5-series was plagued by design flaws due to its

low cost. After poor sales of the units, the company discontinued the series

22 years before the Battle of Yavin (BBY). Industrial Automaton covered the

losses by repackaging the R4-series and R2-AG-series in R5 unit shells.

R5's of the prequel trilogy had pointier heads than their counterparts in other movies.

sources: The New Essential Guide to Droids (Legends), HoloNet News Vol. 531 #45 (Legends), Wookiepedia

Other Notable R5 droids^

Chunky- Wraith Squadron droid (sources: X-wing novels)

R5-B8- (source: The Traitor's Gambit, RPG)

R5-D7- (source: SW: Episode I Jedi Power Battles game)

R5-G8 (formerly R5-D2)- Wedge Antilles' droid (sources: X-wing novels)

R5-L4 (Elfour)- Kyp Durron's (Jedi) droid (source: Vector Prime novel)

R5-M1- (source: SW Adventure Journal 9)

R5-Q3- (source: SW: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.47)

R5-R5- (source: Smuggler's of Naboo Fast-Play Game, RPG)

Sparky- Jaina Solo's R5 unit (sources: New Jedi Order novels)

*some info mentioned above is from the Legends continuity^droids listed are part of the Expanded Universe/Legends

Last modified: 8/2020