
Click on the image above to see info on signs


The year of your birth does not just indicate your age! According to the Chinese system of Astrology, the year of birth indicates a certain phase or aspect of a sixty-year cycle of time. Three systems are used for counting and classifying the years: The ten Heavenly Stems, the twelve Earthly Branches and the twelve Animals.

This ancient perspective on our modern lives comes from the ancient Oriental art of divination and character reading. The first cycle of this Zodiac was introduced in 2637 BC by Emperor Huang Ti. This 'art form' developed as the Chinese writing system emerged and joined with philosophy. Some fascinating insights into a persons character, lifestyle, and emotional makeup are revealed. The roots of this interpretive art, are based deeply in the classical philosophy of Confucius, Lao-tse and the Yi Jing (I Ching).

The exact origins of the twelve animal system remain unknown. However, one legend has it that, once upon a time, the Jade King was bored, having nothing to do in Heaven. He did not see what was happening on Earth, as he had servants satiating his every wish and desire. He decided that he wanted to see the animals that inhabited the earth so he sent word to his advisors to bring him twelve animals (which he considered to be a good sampling.) The advisor first sent an invitation to the rat, telling him to also bring the cat. The rat's jealousy prevented the cat from actually receiving the invitation.

Further invitations were sent on to the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the ram, the monkey, the rooster and the dog, asking for their presence at the palace the following day. When they lined up in front of the king, he found that they numbered only eleven, instead of twelve as he had requested. The king sent his servant down to Earth to retrieve a twelfth animal. The servant ran into a man carrying a pig, and he hastily grabbed it and delivered it to the king.

The animals stood in front of the king in no particular order. The rat, being smaller than the rest, hopped on the ox's back and proceeded to play the flute. The king was very impressed by this display. He gave the rat first place. Second place was given to the ox for its good sportsmanship, and third was given to the tiger, who appeared so courageous. The rabbit was given fourth place, the dragon fifth, the snake sixth, the horse seventh, the ram eighth, the monkey ninth, the rooster tenth and the dog eleventh. By default, and due to the king's just nature, twelfth place went to the pig. After the ceremony concluded, the cat (who missed the invitation) begged the king to reconsider. He was told it was too late.

Chinese Sign Compatibility

Is your mate a Snake? Do Dogs make loyal friends? Each of the twelve Chinese Signs is represented by a particular animal; each Sign embodies its Animal's characteristics, as seen by Eastern eyes. Many Westerners find that certain Chinese Zodiacal Signs may seem like insulting choices on which to base one's character. The rat, for example, is commonly thought of in the West as a dirty, destructive scavenger, and the pig as filthy and slovenly. In Eastern cultures, however, both animals are greatly respected: The Rat for its ability to accrue items of value and the Pig for its superior intelligence and tenacity.

Just as each Sun Sign relates differently to the other Signs of the Zodiac, each pair of Chinese Signs interacts in its own special way.

Compatibility Among the Chinese Signs

Eastern sages have known for millenniums that certain souls seek each other out. Powerfully drawn together by what some people call "chemistry" or "that certain something."

Thousands of years of experience has borne out some rather striking consistencies of attraction. While relationships are possible between all signs, some combinations are happier and more harmonious than others.

In the diagram above, you will notice that the twelve signs are arranged together in four groupings of three. These notable compatibility groupings are known for their affection and support for one another. These four trinities enhance, and connect most favorably.

**The first love group consists of the RAT, DRAGON and MONKEY. These three are intense and enthusiastic lovers. They are performance directed and take the initiative. The Rat, Dragon and Monkey are doers in life and in love, and tend towards restlessness. Frustrated when hampered, these three signs are ruled by potent energy and unpredictability.

**The second triangle is made up of the conservative and consistent signs of the OX, SNAKE and the ROOSTER. These 3 soul mates conquer life through endurance, application, and slow accumulation of energy. Although, each sign is fixed and rigid in opinions and views, they are genius in the art of meticulous planning.

**The third trine of mutual appreciation is made up of the public-spirited souls of the TIGER, HORSE and the DOG. These three signs seek one another, and are like-minded in their pursuit of humanitarian causes. Each is a gifted orator and excels at verbal communication. Relationships and personal contact, are of highest priority and each one seek their intimate soul mate. Idealistic and impulsive, the Tiger, Horse and Dog follow the beat of their own drummer. Defiant against injustice, these three signs wilt without large amounts of physical affection and loyal support for causes.

**The fourth and unparalleled triangle of compatibility is made up of the peaceful, empathetic signs of the CAT/rabbit, GOAT and the PIG. The quest for these three signs, is the aesthetic and beautiful in life. They are artistic, refined, intuitive and well-mannered. These souls love the preliminaries in love, and are fine artists in their lovemaking. The Cat, Goat and Pig have been bestowed with calmer natures than the other 9 signs. These three are compassionately aware, yet detached and resigned to their condition. They seek beauty and a sensitive lover.

The above shows signs in direct opposition of one another, while fascinated by, and initially attracted to each other, they soon repel and put each other off due to clashes in essential disposition.

Concerning same sign love matches, some work amicably; others are not advised:

Rat - Rat: Yes, they will have plenty to talk about.

Ox - Ox: Hmmm... Just who is in charge here?

Tiger - Tiger: Not for the faint of heart. Fireworks all year round!

2 Rabbits or Cats: Very nice. No problems here.

Dragon - Dragon: Yes, however two strong personalities, mutual respect necessary.

Snake - Snake: Not good. Two Snakes will smother each other. Competitive.

Horse - Horse: Maybe, can work with understanding. A passionate yet infatuate affair.

Goat - Goat: Yes, Great friends and lovers but should let others handle finances.

Monkey - Monkey: Yes A very fun combination.

Rooster - Rooster: No, absolutely not advised.

Dog - Dog: Iffy...Best friends but a double dose of pessimism. Mrs. less anxious than Mr.

Pig - Pig: Yes Nice combination. Much harmony and trust.

The Five Elements


Those born under the influence of the Chinese Astrology Element of Water act with the assured fluidity of a river, affecting your environment with your strength and quiet charm. Creative and captivating, diplomatic and intuitive, Water individuals are the masters of subtle persuasion. Without even appearing to try, you can gain someone's trust and affection, and once you've got them they'll follow you anywhere. You make everyone feel special, noting and praising each person's unique talents.

Your inherent pliability, the fluid calm that makes you so appealing, can also make you sometimes too passive, too willing to be what someone wants you to be. You tend to take the shape of whatever container you're poured into. Rather than letting others dam up your energies, let yourself flow freely!

Artistic Water Signs are grounded by practical information about their identity.


Those born under the influence of the Chinese Element Fire burn through life with your fierce charm, your impulsive enthusiasm and your restless emotions. A natural leader, you inspire with your decisive action and dramatic expression; people can't help but be magnetically drawn to you. Where will you lead your followers? Likely into an exciting adventure of some sort. You're instinctual, but your mind sparks with new ideas and clever solutions.

In love, you're highly-charged -- even combustible at times! Hot tamales to the core, these dynamic individuals can see straight to the heart of an issue and make it work for them. You may seem single-minded, but you just refuse to be swayed from a cause they believe to be important.

Combustible Fire Signs can temper their flames with an uninhibited self-portrait of their strengths and weaknesses.


Those born under the influence of the Chinese Astrology element of Metal are determined, self-reliant and forceful. You enjoy the good life and all it has to offer -- luxury, comfort and freedom, especially. You're like a reclusive film star: You want the acclaim, but you also want to be left alone. You create your own success, building your desired destiny with single-minded focus. Others look up to you in awe of your commanding, confident presence.

While you Metal individuals are strong and virtuous, you can be a bit set in your ways. No arm-wrestling with the metallic ones, either; they might break that appendage in two! You can be a stern taskmasters as well, demanding the most from yourself and those you love.

Polish up your self-portrait! Metal Signs can make strong choices when they know their path.


Those born under the influence of the Chinese Astrology Element of Earth are wise, serene and prudent, firmly rooted in your morals, ethics and responsibilities. Led by logic rather than emotion, you seek to plan your life as far out in advance as possible, to expect the unexpected and control your destiny down to the last detail. Your disciplined reserve -- which can come across as true grace if you work it right -- garners you respect and admiration.

You're so bound by logic and dependent upon controlling your situation that you have a fear of the unknown. Consequently, you question your instincts, distrusting even your most cherished dreams and seeing your whims as frivolous distractions. Don't be a stick in the mud, Earth Signs; share your wisdom and your peace of mind with a needy world.


Like the rings of a tree circle out and expand through the years, so too do those born under the Chinese Astrology Element of Wood. Wood personalities seek chances for growth and for renewal in all you do, 'branching out' (excuse the pun!) whenever possible. Your open, expansive mind makes you a compassionate and generous friend, colleague and ally. You understand the inherent value of what you and those around you possess, and your confidence allows you to act upon your beliefs.

While your strength forms the backbone of any social group or partnership you're a part of, you could have a tendency to be a bit too systematic in your thinking, and sometimes your passivity allows others to overwhelm and inhibit you. Don't let yourself be lost in a vast forest, an anonymous tree among millions of others. Make your mark on the world -- you're especially adept at business ventures.

You have a tendency to think about others before yourself; enhance your own strengths!