Non Collection of Children Policy


We aim to liaise closely with parents/carers to ensure that collection times for children are clearly understood so that we can help prepare children for home time. Even young children can use routines to start to learn about time such as ‘after snack or after George goes home it’s my turn’. We request that parents/carers keep one of us informed as to any changes to agreed collection times as soon as possible.


If a child is not collected within 30 minutes of the agreed collection time and I haven’t heard from parents/carers, we will call the parents/carers’ contact numbers. If there is no response, weI will try to contact any alternative contact numbers given to us for the child and during this time we will continue to care for the child.

We will continue to try to contact parents/carers and other authorised adults until 60 minutes from the agreed collection time. We will then contact the local children’s social care services and follow any advice given by them.

If we are unable to continue caring for your child until you can be contacted and make arrangements for the collection of your child, there is a possibility that your child may be placed with an alternative carer.