Submitted, under revision, and in-prep

  • Akuhara, T., Shiraishi, K., Tsuji, T., Yamashita, Y., Sugioka, H., Farazi, A.H., Ohyanagi, S., Ito, Y., Arai, R., Araki, E., Fujie, G., Nakamura, Y., Tonegawa, T., Azuma, R., Mochizuki, K., Takemura, S., Yamada, T., Shinohara, M. (under review). Geometrical barrier determines the updip limit of slow earthquake slip. preprint
  • Yamaya, L., Kubo, H., Shiomi, K., Takemura, S. (under review). Impact of offshore seismograph network and 3-D seismic velocity structure model on centroid moment tensor analysis for offshore earthquake: Application to the Japan Trench subduction zone. data preprint

Peer-reviewed papers (first-authored papers)

  • [29] Takemura, S., Kubota, T., & Sandanbata, O. (2024). Successive tsunamigenic events near the Sofu Seamount inferred from high-frequency teleseismic P and regional T waves. Journal of Geophysical Research, 129(10), e24JB029746, preprint data
  • [28] Takemura, S., Emoto, K., & Yabe, S. (2024). Revisiting seismic energy of shallow tremors: Amplifications due to site and propagation path effects near the Nankai Trough. Journal of Geophysical Research. 129(6), e2024JB029168, preprint preprintv2 data
  • [27] Takemura, S., Baba, S., Yabe, S., Yamashita, Y., Shiomi, K., & Matsuzawa, T. (2024). Detectability analysis of very low frequency earthquakes: Methods and application in Nankai using F-net and DONET broadband seismometers. Geophysical Journal International, 237(1), 49-63. preprint data 
  • [26] Takemura, S., Hamada, Y., Okuda, H., Okada, Y., Okubo, K., Akuhara, T., Noda, A., & Tonegawa, T. (2023). A review of shallow slow earthquakes along the Nankai Trough. Earth, Planets and Space, 75, 164. 
  • [25] Takemura, S., Emoto, K., & Yamaya, L. (2023). High-frequency S and S-coda waves at ocean-bottom seismometers. Earth, Planets and Space, 75, 20. preprint
  • [24] Takemura, S., Baba, S., Yabe, S., Emoto, K., Shiomi, K., & Matsuzawa, T. (2022). Source characteristics and along-strike variations of shallow very low frequency earthquake swarms on the Nankai Trough shallow plate boundary. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(11), e2022GL097979. preprint catalog
  • [23] Takemura, S., Obara, K., Shiomi, K., & Baba, S. (2022). Spatiotemporal variations of shallow very low frequency earthquake activity southeast off the Kii Peninsula, along the Nankai Trough, Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research, 127(3), e2021JB023073. preprint catalog Top downloaded article 2022
  • [22] Takemura, S., Yoshimoto, K., & Shiomi, K. (2021). Long-period ground motion simulation using centroid moment tensor inversion solutions based on the regional three-dimensional model in the Kanto region, Japan. Earth, Planets and Space, 73, 15. preprint simulation results CMT catalog
  • [21] Takemura, S., Yabe, S., & Emoto, K. (2020). Modelling high-frequency seismograms at ocean bottom seismometers: Effects of heterogeneous structures on source parameter estimation for small offshore earthquakes and shallow low-frequency tremors. Geophysical Journal International, 223(3), 1708-1723. preprint velocity model
  • [20] Takemura, S., Okuwaki, R., Kubota, T., Shiomi, K., Kimura, T., & Noda, A. (2020). Centroid moment tensor inversions of offshore earthquakes using a three-dimensional velocity structure model: Slip distributions on the plate boundary along the Nankai Trough. Geophysical Journal International, 222(2), 1109-1125. 日本語解説 pre-print CMT catalog
  • [19] Takemura, S., Noda, A., Kubota, T., Asano, Y., Matsuzawa, T., & Shiomi, K. (2019). Migrations and clusters of shallow very low frequency earthquakes in the regions surrounding shear stress accumulation peaks along the Nankai Trough. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(21), 11830-11840. 日本語解説 Detection catalog
  • [18] Takemura, S., Matsuzawa, T., Noda, A., Tonegawa, T., Asano, Y., Kimura, T., & Shiomi, K. (2019). Structural characteristics of the Nankai Trough shallow plate boundary inferred from shallow very low frequency earthquakes. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(8), 4192-4201. 日本語解説 CMT catalog This article is one of top downloaded papers 2018-2019.
  • [17] Takemura, S., Kubo, H., Tonegawa, T., Saito, T., & Shiomi, K. (2019). Modeling of long-period ground motions in the Nankai subduction zone: Model simulation using the accretionary prism derived from oceanfloor local S-wave structures. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 176(2), 627-647. 
  • [16] Takemura, S., Matsuzawa, T., Kimura, T., Tonegawa, T., & Shiomi, K. (2018). Centroid moment tensor inversion of shallow very low frequency earthquakes off the Kii Peninsula, Japan, using a three-dimensional velocity structure model. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(13), 6450-6458. 日本語解説 Green's functions
  • [15] 武村俊介 (2018). 地震波解析と波動伝播計算に基づく地球内部の短波長不均質構造の研究,地震 第 2 輯,解説(2016年度 日本地震学会若手学術奨励賞 記念 論文),71, 13-41. link2(地球シミュレータ成果リポジトリ) link3
  • [14] Takemura, S., Kimura, T., Saito, T., Kubo, H., & Shiomi, K. (2018). Moment tensor inversion of the 2016 southeast offshore Mie earthquake occurred in the Tonankai Region using a three-dimensional velocity structure model: Effects of the accretionary prism and subducting oceanic plate. Earth, Planets and Space, 70, 50. 
  • [13] Takemura, S., Kobayashi, M., & Yoshimoto, K. (2017). High-frequency seismic wave propagation within the heterogeneous crust: Effects of seismic scattering and intrinsic attenuation on ground motion modelling. Geophysical Journal International, 210(3), 1806-1822. 
  • [12] Takemura, S., Saito, T., & Shiomi, K. (2017). Sequence of deep-focus earthquake beneath the Bonin Islands identified by the NIED nationwide dense seismic networks Hi-net and F-net. Earth, Planets and Space, 69, 38. 
  • [11] Takemura, S., Kobayashi, M., & Yoshimoto, K. (2016). Prediction of maximum P- and S-wave amplitude distributions incorporating frequency- and distance-dependent characteristics of the observed apparent radiation patterns. Earth, Planets and Space, 68, 166. 
  • [10] Takemura, S., Shiomi, K., Kimura, T., & Saito, T. (2016). Systematic difference between first-motion and waveform-inversion solutions for shallow offshore earthquakes due to a low-angle dipping slab. Earth, Planets and Space, 68, 149.
  • [9] Takemura, S., Maeda, T., Furumura, T., & Obara, K. (2016). Constraining the source location of the 30 May 2015 (Mw 7.9) Bonin deep-focus earthquake using seismogram envelopes of high-frequency P waveforms: Occurrence of deep-focus earthquake at the bottom of a subducting slab. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(9), 4297-4302. 日本語の解説 This article appeared in the 2016 GRL editor highlights
  • [8] Takemura, S., Yoshimoto, K., & Tonegawa, T. (2015). Scattering of trapped P and S waves in the hydrated subducting crust of the Philippine Sea plate at shallow depths beneath the Kanto region, Japan. Geophysical Journal International, 203(3), 2261-2276. 
  • [7] Takemura, S., Yoshimoto, K., & Tonegawa, T. (2015). Velocity increase in the uppermost oceanic crust of the Philippine Sea plate beneath the Kanto region due to dehydration inferred from high-frequency trapped P waves. Earth, Planets and Space, 67, 41. 
  • [6] Takemura, S., Akatsu, M., Masuda, K., Kajikawa, K., & Yoshimoto, K. (2015). Long-period ground motions in a laterally inhomogeneous large sedimentary basin: Observations and model simulations of long-period surface waves in the northern Kanto Basin, Japan. Earth, Planets and Space, 67, 33. Sedimentary model of the northern Kanto
  • [5] Takemura, S., Furumura, T., & Maeda, T. (2015). Scattering of high-frequency seismic waves caused by irregular surface topography and small-scale velocity inhomogeneity. Geophysical Journal International, 201(1), 459-474. 
  • [4] Takemura, S., & Yoshimoto, K. (2014). Strong seismic wave scattering in the low-velocity anomaly associated with subduction of oceanic plate. Geophysical Journal International, 197(2), 1016-1032. 
  • [3] Takemura, S., & Furumura, T. (2013). Scattering of high-frequency P wavefield derived by dense Hi-net array observations in Japan and computer simulations of seismic wave propagations. Geophysical Journal International, 193(1), 421-436. 
  • [2] Takemura, S., Furumura, T., & Saito, T. (2009). Distortion of the apparent S-wave radiation pattern in the high-frequency wavefield: Tottori-ken Seibu, Japan, Earthquake of 2000. Geophysical Journal International, 178(2), 950-961. 
  • [1] Takemura, S., & Fukumoto, Y. (2007). Evaluation of exchange interaction of the spin doughnut Mo75V20. Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 76, 083709. preprint

Peer-reviewed papers (co-authored papers)

  • [23] Nakanishi, R., & Takemura, S. (2024). Development of an offshore ground motion prediction equation considering path effects based on S-net data. Earth, Planets and Space, accepted. preprint preprintv2
  • [22] Yoshida, K., Emoto, K., Takemura, S., & Matsuzawa, T. (2024). Near-source waveform modeling to estimate shallow crustal attenuation and radiated energy of Mw 2.0-4.5 earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 129 (9), e2023JB028523. preprint data
  • [21] Baba, S., Takemura, S., Obara, K., Takeo, A., Yamashita, Y., & Shinohara, M. (2024). Spatial variation in shallow slow earthquake activity in Hyuga-nada, southwest Japan. Geophysical Journal International, 237 (1), 271-287. preprint data 
  • [20] Sandabata, O., Satake, K., Takemura, S., Watada, S., Maeda, T., & Kubota, T. (2024). Enigmatic tsunami waves amplified by repetitive source events near Sofugan volcano, Japan. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(2), e2023GL106949. preprint プレスリリース(日本語)
  • [19] Yamaya, L., Mochizuki, K., Akuhara, T., Takemura, S., Shinohara, M., & Yamada, T. (2022). CMT inversion for small-to-moderate earthquakes applying to dense short-period OBS array at off Ibaraki region. Earth, Planets and Space, 74, 164. preprint catalog
  • [18] Tonegawa, T., Takemura, S., Yabe, S., & Yomogida, K. (2022). Fluid migration before and during slow earthquakes in the shallow Nankai subduction zone. Journal of Geophysical Research, 127(3), e2021JB023583. preprint data
  • [17] Baba, S., Obara, K., Takemura, S., Takeo, A., & Abers, G. (2021). Shallow slow earthquake episodes near the trench axis off Costa Rica. Journal of Geophysical Research, 126(9), e2021JB021706. preprint catalog
  • [16] Yabe, S., Baba, S., Tonegawa, T., Nakano, M., & Takemura, S. (2021). Seismic energy radiation and along-strike heterogeneities of shallow tectonic tremors at the Nankai Trough and Japan Trench. Tectonophysics, 800, 22871. preprint
  • [15] Baba, S., Takemura, S., Obara, K., & Noda, A. (2020). Slow earthquakes illustrating interplate coupling heterogeneities in subduction zones. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(14), e2020GL088089. preprint detection catalog
  • [14] Saito, T., Baba, T., Inazu, D., Takemura, S., & Fukuyama, E. (2019). Synthesizing sea surface height change including seismic waves and tsunami using a dynamic rupture scenario of the Nankai Trough earthquake. Tectonophysics, 769, 228166. 
  • [13] Iwaki, A., Maeda, T., Morikawa, N., Takemura, S., & Fujiwara, H. (2018). Effects of random 3D crustal heterogeneity on long-period (≥ 1 s) ground motion simulations. Earth, Planets and Space, 70, 156. 
  • [12] Maeda, T., Takemura, S., & Furumura, T. (2017). OpenSWPC: An open-source integrated parallel simulation code for modeling seismic wave propagation in 3D heterogeneous viscoelastic media. Earth, Planets and Space, 69, 102. Download code
  • [11] Yoshimoto, K., Takemura, S., & Kobayashi, M. (2015). Application of scattering theory to P-wave amplitude fluctuations in the crust. Earth, Planets and Space, 67, 199. 
  • [10] Tonegawa, T., Fukao, Y., Fujie, G., Takemura, S., Takahashi, T., & Kodaira, S. (2015). Geographical distribution of shear wave anisotropy within marine sediments in the northwestern Pacific. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 2, 27. 日本語の解説 
  • [9] Kobayashi, M., Takemura, S., & Yoshimoto, K. (2015). Frequency and distance changes in the apparent P-wave radiation pattern caused by the small-scale heterogeneities inferred from dense seismic observations and numerical simulations. Geophysical Journal International, 202(3), 1895-1907. 
  • [8] Ohori, M., Chitak, S., Nakamura, T., Sakaue, M., Takemura, S., Furumura, T., Takemoto, T., Iwai, K., Kubo, A., Kawatani, K., Tajima, S., Takahashi, N., & Kaneda, Y. (2015). Modeling the shallow subsurface structure in the urban area of Kochi city. Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, 15(the English issue), 3_95-3_113. 
  • [7] Yoshimoto, K., & Takemura, S. (2014). A study on the predominant period of long-period ground motions in the Kanto Basin, Japan. Earth, Planets and Space, 66, 100. 
  • [6] Yoshimoto, K., & Takemura, S. (2014). Surface wave excitation at northern edge of Kanto basin, Japan. Earth, Planets and Space, 66, 16. 
  • [5] 大堀道広、チタクセチキン、中村武史、坂上実、武村俊介、古村孝志、竹本帝人、岩井一央、久保篤規、川谷和夫、田嶋佐和、高橋成美、金田義行 (2013). 高知市街地の浅層地盤モデルの構築/Modeling the Shallow Subsurface Structure in the Urban Area of Kochi City. 日本地震工学会論文集, 第13巻 (in Japanese) link (Free Access)
  • [4] Padhy, S., Takemura, S., Takemoto, T., Maeda, T., & Furumura, T. (2013). Spatial and temporal variation in coda attenuation associated with the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku, Japan (Mw 9) Earthquake. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103(2B), 1411-1428. 
  • [3] Maeda, T., Furumura, T., Noguchi, S., Takemura, S., Sakai, S., Shinohara, M., Iwai, K., & Lee, S. (2013). Seismic and tsunami wave propagation of the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake as inferred from the tsunami-coupled finite difference simulation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103(2B), 1456-1472. 
  • [2] Furumura, T., Takemura, S., Noguchi, S., Takemoto, T., Maeda, T., Iwai, K., & Padhy, S. (2011). Strong ground motions from the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku, Japan (Mw=9.0) Earthquake obtained from a dense nationwide seismic network. Landslides, 8, 333-338. 
  • [1] Kobayashi, R., Takemura, S., & Fukumoto, Y. (2009). Perturbation calculation for the lowest-energy 16-states in spin doughnut Mo75V20. Progress of Theoretical Physics, 122(5), 1189. 

Reports, proceedings, and non-peer-reviewed papers

  • [18] Takemura, S., Emoto, K., & Yabe, S. (2024). High-frequency seismic wave propagation within a thick sedimentary layer near the Nankai Trough (海底地震計における高周波数地震動の伝播過程の検討). Annual Report of the Earth Simulator April 2023-March 2024 link
  • [17]  Takemura, S., Emoto, K., & Yamaya, L. (2023). Characteristics of ground motion at DONET in Nankai (DONET海底地震計の地震動特性の把握). Annual Report of the Earth Simulator April 2022-March 2023 link
  • [16] 武村俊介 (2022). 南海トラフ浅部スロー地震研究の現在. 日本地震学会広報誌「なゐふる」, 131. link
  • [15] Takemura, S., Emoto, K., Yamaya, L., Maeda, T., & Furumura, T. (2022). Strong ground motion simulation along the Nankai Trough using the Earth Simulator (地球シミュレータを用いた南海トラフにおける強震動シミュレーション). Annual Report of the Earth Simulator April 2021-March 2022 link
  • [14] Takemura, S., Yabe, S., & Emoto, K. (2021). Simulation study of high-frequency seismic wave propagation for monitoring seismicity in the Nankai subduction zone (大規模数値シミュレーションを用いた南海トラフプレート境界浅部の地震モニタリングへ向けた地震波伝播特性の解析). Annual Report of the Earth Simulator April 2020-February 2021 link
  • [13] 武村俊介, 小原一成, & 汐見勝彦 (2021). 2020年12月に紀伊半島南東沖で発生した浅部超低周波地震活動. 地震予知連絡会会報 link
  • [12] 武村俊介 (2020). 南海トラフの3次元地下構造を考慮した浅部スロー地震の長期的な活動把握/Long-term activity of shallow slow earthquakes along the Nankai Trough based on Green's functions of the 3D heterogeneous structure model. Annual Report of the Earth Simulator: April 2018-March 2019 link 
  • [11] 武村俊介 (2020). 地震活動モニタリングの現状と今後. 日本地震学会モノグラフ第6号「南海トラフ地震臨時情報:科学的データや知見の活用」  link
  • [10] 武村俊介, 汐見勝彦, & 小原一成 (2019). 2019年5月10日に発生した日向灘の地震(MJMA 6.3)の3次元地震動シミュレーション. 地震予知連絡会会報, 102. link
  • [9] Yoshimoto, K., Masuda, K., & Takemura, S. (2016). Elongation of the dominant period of long-period ground motions in the Tokyo bay area. Proceedings of the 11th Asian Seismological Commission General Assembly link
  • [8] Takemura, S., Yoshimoto, K., & Tonegawa, T. (2015). Finite difference method simulations of high-frequency trapped P waves using the Earth Simulator: Evidence of velocity increase in the subducting uppermost oceanic crust of the Philippine Sea Plate due to dehydration reactions. Annual Report of the Earth Simulator Center 2014 link
  • [7] Takemura, S., & Yoshimoto, K. (2014). Finite difference method simulation of long-period ground motion at the northern Kanto region, Japan, using the Earth Simulator. Annual Report of the Earth Simulator Center 2013 link
  • [6] Citak, S., Ohori, M., Nakamura, T., Sakaue, M., Takemura, S., Takemoto, T., Furumura, T., Iwai, K., Kubo, A., Kawatani, K., Tajima, S., Takahashi, N., & Kaneda, Y. (2012). Microtremor measurements and earthquake response analysis on Urado Bridge, Kochi, Japan. Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. link
  • [5] Takemura, S., Furumura, T., & Maeda, T. (2012). FDM simulation of broadband seismic wave propagation in 3-D heterogeneous structure using the Earth Simulator. Annual Report of the Earth Simulator Center 2011 link
  • [4] Takemura, S., Kobayashi, R., & Fukumoto, Y. (2009). A possible origin of the low-temperature Curie law of the spin doughnut Mo75V20. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 145, 012081 link
  • [3] Kunisada, N., Takemura, S., & Fukumoto, Y. (2009). Theoretical study of quantum spin icosidodecahedron (S = 1/2) with next-nearest neighbor interactions and analysis of experimental susceptibility for Mo72V30. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 145, 012083. link
  • [2] Takemura, S., & Fukumoto, Y. (2007). Thermodynamic properties of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a railroad-trestle lattice with asymmetric leg interactions. arXiv/0703260 link
  • [1] 古村孝志, 武村俊介, & 早川俊彦 (2007). 2007年新潟県中越沖地震(M6.8)による首都圏の長周期地震動/Long-period ground motions recorded in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area during the 16 July, 2007 M6.8 off Niigata-ken Chuetsu, Japan Earthquake. 地学雑誌, 116(3), 576-687 link