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About me

Shunsuke TAKEMURA(武村 俊介)Assistant Professor, Research Center for Monitoring Japan Arc, Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo UTokyo Excellent young researcher, UTokyo
東京大学地震研究所 日本列島モニタリング研究センター 助教 東京大学教員ページ(JPN) 令和3年度東京大学卓越研究員

Research Interests

  • Broadband seismic wave propagation in the 3D heterogeneous Earth
  • Modeling heterogeneous subsurface velocity structure
  • Source studies using modeled seismic wave propagation within the 3D heterogeneous Earth
  • Monitoring slow earthquakes and broadband seismic wavefield

Other interests

  • Science communication
  • Disaster mitigation
  • High-performance computing