Present Simple
The Present Simple Tense
משתמשים בזמן הווה פשוט כשמספרים על מה שקורה:
תמיד – always
בדרך כלל – usually
לעתים קרובות – often
לפעמים – sometimes
לעתים רחוקות – seldom
אף פעם – never
every year - כל שנה
בבוקר – in the morning
אחרי צהריים – in the afternoon
בערב – in the evening
בלילה – at night
השבוע – this week
פעם בחודש – once a month
פעמיים בשנה – twice a year
שלוש פעמים ביום – three times a day
on Mondays - בימי שני
וגם אם זאת עובדה:
אני הולך לבית הספר ברגל. – I go to school on foot.
V1 – פועל בסיסי (כמו שהוא רשום במילון)
Vs – sלפועל בסיסי מוסיפים בסוף
V1 (I, you, we, they)
I have a dog.
We arrive at the airport at 7 p.m.
I bake an apple cake every Friday.
We carry our books in the bag.
Pupils describe pictures in English.
Monkeys eat fruit.
They feed their goldfish once a day.
You go to the library twice a month.
Vs (he, she, it)
He has a dog.
She arrives at the airport at 7 p.m.
My mother bakes an apple cake every Friday.
He carries his books in the bag.
The teacher describes pictures in English.
The monkey eats fruit every day.
He feeds his goldfish once a day.
Susan goes to the library twice a month.
· את מילות התדירות שמים לפני פועל:
I always wash my hands before the meal.
She usually takes short shows.
We often play basketball in the schoolyard.
They sometimes take their cat to the vet.
He seldom waters the flowers in the garden.
You never clean your room!
· את ביטוי הזמן שמים בתחילת המשפט או בסוף המשפט:
They walk their dog three times a day.
I clean my room every week.
(+) You help your mother about the house.
(-) You don’t help your aunt about the house.
(?) Do you help your mother about the house?
(+) She reads books in the evening.
(-) She doesn’t read books in the morning.
(?) Does she read books in the evening?
Here you can revise the Present Simple Tense:
Online Grammar Exercises - Click on "Present Simple 1" (You can do more exercises by clicking on Present Simple 2, 3...)
Exercise 6 - negative
Exercise 6a - negative
Exercise 6b - negative
Exercise 7 - questions
Exercise 8 - questions
Exercise 9 - questions
Exercise 10 - mixed